June 12, 2012 Policy Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee
Policy Subcommittee Meeting
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 4:30 P.M.
2nd Floor Conference Room,
NAGE Building

  1. Call Meeting to Order - Mr. Paul Bregoli, Chair

  2. High School Community Service Pilot

  3. Prescription Medicine Self-Administration Policy

  4. Conflict of Interest

  5. Adjournment


School Policy Subcommittee Meeting

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A meeting of the School Policy Subcommittee was held on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the 2 nd floor Conference Room of the NAGE Building. Present were Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, and Mr. Paul Bregoli, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Mrs. Colleen Roberts, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mrs. Jane Kisielius, Mrs. Maura Papile; Ms. Allison Cox, President of the Quincy Education Association; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm by Mr. Bregoli.

The first item on the agenda was the High School Community Service Pilot. Mr. Bregoli reviewed the history of the discussions on this topic and the meetings he and Dr. DeCristofaro have had with the High School Principals, Assistant Principals, staff, and student representatives. In reviewing the draft of the Community Service Overview and Policy, suggestions were made about making the language parallel in both places and specifically require Community Service in each year of high school. Mrs. Mahoney requested that the School Committee be kept apprised of the pilot as it is rolled out. Dr. DeCristofaro suggested that monitoring the Community Service Pilot could be one of the Policy Subcommittee’s goals for 2012-2013.

Dr. DeCristofaro asked if the Subcommittee feels comfortable with the Policy as it is written and if they are willing to bring it forward to the full School Committee. The tasks still to be completed include posting the Community Service Coordinator positions and executing a memorandum of understanding with the QEA about the new positions and stipends. Ms. Isola made a motion to move the High School Community Service Pilot out of the Policy Subcommittee and Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

The next item on the agenda was a proposal to add to the School Committee’s current Prescription Medicine Self-Administration Policy (10.11.4). Mrs. Kisielius introduced the proposal to add the Department of Public Health regulations governing medication selfadministration to be effective in September 2012. This change would allow high school students to administer their own medications on overnight field trips. Mrs. Kisielius cited the trips abroad that school nurses do not accompany students on as an example of where this policy would be helpful. While the intention is for self-administration to take place outside of school, Ms. Isola wondered whether this expands the options for students administering medication to themselves in school. Ms. Isola requested that language be added to the existing policy to specify that this is for for overnight field trips and not during the school day. This revised Policy amendment will be presented to the full School Committee for a vote at the June 13, 2012 School Committee meeting.

The last item on the agenda was Conflict of Interest. Mr. Bregoli opened the discussion by noting his own situation as a School Committee member and soccer coach. He has consulted with the State Ethics Commission and Mr. Mulvey; per Mr. Mulvey, the State Ethics Commission have said that options include Mr. Bregoli being a volunteer coach while serving on the School Committee or to petition the City Council to be granted status as a Special Municipal Employee that would allow him to be compensated for coaching while on the School Committee.

Mrs. Mahoney then reviewed her reasons for adding the Conflict of Interest Policy review to the agenda. The current Conflict of Interest policy is somewhat vague and she would like to see the wording tightened up as much as possible. The last issue relates to tutoring by teachers; School Committee policy is that teachers are not allowed to tutor on-site. Another question is whether students can be tutored for a fee in any school building. The final issue is the hiring and promotion of family members of school department administrators and School Committee members. Mrs. Mahoney suggested adding language to the Conflict of Interest Policy to strengthen it and address the issue of spousal supervision. Mrs. Mahoney suggested considering adding a School Committee member to hiring committees, specifically for Principal and Assistant Principal positions.

Mr. Bregoli asked about personnel decisions under the Education Reform Act. Mr. Mulvey said that under the Education Reform Act, final hiring decisions are the Superintendent’s. The School Committee hires the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Mulvey and Mrs. Mahoney disagreed about whether having a School Committee member as part of the hiring committee contravened the Education Reform Act. Ms. Isola asked for clarification about whether the purpose of the discussion to review and update the existing Conflict of Interest policy. Mrs. Mahoney said that yes, and that she has done research on how other cities and towns word their policies. Ms. Isola agreed that the School Committee has a duty to review and update the existing Conflict of Interest Policy without suggesting that there has been impropriety; she disagreed that the hiring committees need a School Committee presence. All agreed that this was a topic for further discussion and that the topic will carry forward to the 2012-13 school year, including providing an opportunity for public comment at Open Forum.

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:35 pm and Ms. Isola seconded the motion. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.