March 12, 2012 Teaching/Learning Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee
Teaching and Learning Subcommittee
Ms. Emily Lebo, Chairman
March 12, 2012 - 4:30 P.M.

  1. Welcome and Introductions - Mrs. Lebo

  2. Professional Development Quarterly Report - Mrs. Roberts

  3. MCAS Reporting Timelines/NCLB Implications - Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Fredrickson
    Principal Administrator Webinar Info.
    New Reports/Tools

  4. New Educator Evaluation - Mr. Mulvey
    Follow-up Part IV: Model Contract Language
    Next Steps

  5. Common Core and Curriculum Updates - Mrs. Roberts
    Potential Pilots/Resources
    Short Range plans - Mathematics

  6. Timeline Considerations for: - Mrs. Lebo
    SIPs and PIPs
    Perkins Core Indicators
    Alternative Programs
    Educational Technology
    SAT Data
    AP Enrollment/Data
    Graduation Drop-Out information
    Graduation Follow-up Gifted and Talented information

    Remaining Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee dates:
    April 2, 2012, May 14, 2012, June 11, 2012

  7.  Adjourn


Teaching and Learning Subcommittee Meeting

Monday, March 12, 2012

A meeting of the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee was held on Monday, March 12, 2012 at 4:30 pm in the 2 nd Floor Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Assistant Superintendent Colleen Roberts, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Mr. Keith Segalla; Mrs. Kathy Bowes, President, Citywide Parents’ Council; Ms. Allison Cox, President, Quincy Educators’ Association; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

The meeting was called to order at 4:35 pm by Mrs. Lebo.

The first item on the agenda was the Professional Development Quarterly Report presented by Mrs. Roberts for the period of December 2011-February 2012. Category Trainings: this is the last year these are being offered by QPS as ELL requirements being reconfigured by DESE and training will change as well. Mrs. Lebo asked if we know whether teachers who have completed Category trainings will be grandfathered? The Department of Justice had ruled that Category training was not adequate. Mrs. Roberts said this is still unknown; upcoming trainings will target teachers who have completed two of three categories.

Other Professional Development focused on Common Core Standards deconstruction and rollout, Title I-funded Literacy and Research for Better Teaching-focused trainings. Free Professional Development was provided for Go Math! for 98% of Grades K-2 teachers system-wide by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) was an 18-month course for Title I Principals and Assistant Principals, finishing in June.

Mrs. Lebo inquired about a parent meeting for elementary school Math curriculum that had been previously discussed. Mrs. Roberts suggested that the beginning of next school year would be a good time; QPS will be rolling out Grade 3 Go Math! and it makes sense to do all grades at the same time. A citywide event is planned and DSAC may send a speaker. Ms. Isola suggested publicizing the Math Night at the elementary schools’ Open Houses in September; Dr. DeCristofaro suggested taping the presentation and posting it to the QPS website. The next Quarterly Professional Development Report will be given at the June 11, 2012 meeting and will include information about summer courses being offered.

The next item on the agenda was MCAS Reporting Timelines/NCLB Implications. Mrs. Roberts reported that Principals were mandated to go to a meeting or Webinar on MCAS and MEPA (last year test being given). Reporting Results timelines for Spring 2012 tests:

  • MEPA test given the first week in March; scores available to schools on June 7

  • MCAS preliminary test scores and ELA Long Compositions will be available to schools in midJune. Districts can access preliminary results on August 6. Final official school and district results available September 18; results can then be shared with School Committee and public.

Dr. DeCristofaro said that these dates will inform the schedule for School Improvement Plans and Academic Program Improvement Plans and other items the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee will review next fall. At the June 11 Teaching and Learning Subcommittee meeting, a proposed timeline and draft Assessment Calendar can be shared. Mrs. Roberts stated that based on these dates, the School Improvement Plans will probably be ready for review in early November, as they were this year. When testing moves to being online in the next couple of years, results will be available almost instantly. Mrs. Lebo and Ms. Isola both commented on how the availability of data impacts School Committee’s ability to budget properly and each school’s ability to have the whole school year to implement changes.

The NCLB Requirements in place for 2001-2011 had a goal of 100% proficiency by 2014 and ranks for AYP status. It required Title I budget reserve for school choice and professional development. Massachusetts filed for waiver because close to 90% of districts were not making AYP. Under the terms of the waiver, schools must move the proficiency gap of low-income students closer to results for all students. A Progress and Performance Index (PPI) will be generated for each school and each subgroup within each school. By 2016-17, the proficiency gap should be reduced by half; it requires greater progress for students who are the farthest behind. Mrs. Lebo noted that the waiver also reflected that the MCAS test was among the most challenging, where other states’ tests were not to the same standards. Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) are going to take the place of AYP. Determinations based on 4 years of data. New DART tools from DESE will include ELL, School Level, and Staffing. (DART is based on SIMS data.)

The third item on the agenda, New Educator Evaluation will be reviewed in Executive Session at the end of the public meeting.

The next item on the agenda was the Common Core and Curriculum Updates Mrs. Roberts spoke about the research being done on supplementary materials for the remainder of this year and next school year to assist with the transition to the new Common Core State Standards. The elementary schools would like to look at new materials: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Reading program Journeys may be piloted at Lincoln-Hancock and Squantum for 2012-2013. HMH representatives will be visiting with teachers at these schools to discuss the possible pilot and a cost estimate for the pilot will be prepared. A new Reading program would be a multi-year transition for Quincy Public Schools due to the expense. Mrs. Roberts like to purchase Grade 3 Go Math! for all elementary schools for the 2012-2013 school year; she has money in this year’s budget to fund purchase. The plan would be to do overview, training, and introduce technology over the summer.

The middle and high school teachers are being more cautious and will be looking at supplemental materials, especially for Math. The publisher(s) have created Common Core supplementary workbooks for Grades 4 through High School for Math.

Ms. Isola asked if cost estimates could be available for the March 26, 2012 Budget and Finance Subcommittee meeting. Mrs. Roberts agreed, and also stated that we did not purchase manipulatives for Grades 1 and 2 and she would like to purchase those if possible. Kindergarten manipulatives were purchased last fall along with the new textbooks.

The last item on the agenda was Timeline Considerations:

SIPs and PIPs Review should begin in late October/early November (SIPs and Academic PIPs) Principals need to have Assessment Day 1 completed in mid-October and time to reflect and develop goals based on MCAS data. Because of the availability of MCAS data, the non-Academic Support PIPs would be first. Dr. DeCristofaro will look at all PIPs and SIPs, align to Subcommittees and propose a timeline for June 11 Teaching and Learning Subcommittee meeting.

The snapshot overview format worked well for this past year’s presentations; Mrs. Lebo suggested that data should be in the same format for all schools. Ms. Isola mentioned that goals continued from the previous year should be indicated and steps changed highlighted. Mrs. Lebo requested an overview of what DESE requires in a SIP; also metioned that she likes to see a balance of data-driven and school culture goals in SIPs.

Perkins Core Indicators Mr. Keith Segalla to review at the April 2, 2012 meeting

Alternative Programs (GOALS, Evening High School, Teen Mothers Numbers) Information contained in the District Improvement Plan’s Annual System Profile and Progress Report. Mrs. Roberts to review at the May 14, 2012 meeting.

Educational Technology Mr. Keith Segalla to review at the April 2, 2012 meeting so School Committee has information for budget process (software and hardware, professional development) .

SAT Data, AP Enrollment/Data, Graduation Drop-Out Information Information contained in the District Improvement Plan’s Annual System Profile and Progress Report. Mrs. Roberts to review at the May 14, 2012 meeting.

Graduation Follow-Up Mrs. Roberts suggested that the Naviance system could help us track this data; Mr. Keith Segalla will follow up as to whether the Alternative Programs have access. Mrs. Lebo requested a presentation on Naviance by Paula McGeady , Helena Skinner, and Maura Papile at the May 14, 2012 subcommittee meeting.

Gifted and Talented Information Mrs. Roberts to review at the May 14, 2012 meeting. Ms. Isola suggested that this be an agenda item for a future School Committee Meeting.

English Language Learners Update as part of Common Core and Assessment updates; Ms. Beth Hallett will be invited to the May 14, 2012 meeting.

Mrs. Lebo suggested adding Common Core and Assessment Updates from DESE as Old Business on each Agenda. Proposed agenda items for the remaining meetings are as follows:

April 2

  • Perkins Core Indicators

  • Educational Technology (Planning for Budget)

  • Common Core and Assessment Updates from DESE

May 14

  • Review of System Profile and Progress Report

  • Alternative Program Goals

  • Naviance (Paula McGeady, Helena Skinner, Maura Papile)

  • Screening Process for ELC and APC

  • Common Core and Assessment Updates from DESE

  • ELL Program Update (Beth Hallett)

June 11

  • Professional Development Quarterly Report (including information on Summer courses being offered)

  • Draft Assessment Calendar

  • Draft Timeline for SIP and PIP (Academic and Academic Support) development; alignment to Subcommittees

  • Outline of what Principals will present at SIP review, standard items to be covered

  • Common Core and Assessment Updates from DESE

The public portion of the meeting was adjourned at 5:55 pm on a roll call vote. The Subcommittee went into Executive Session and did not return to the regular meeting.