April 7, 2014 Budget Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee
Budget and Finance Subcommittee
Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Chair
2nd Floor Conference Room, NAGE Building
Monday, April 7, 2014
5:00 p.m.

  1. Quarterly Budget Status Report - Mr. Mullaney

  2. Adjournment – Thank You!


Quincy School Committee
Budget & Finance Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, April 7, 2014

A meeting of the Budget and Finance Subcommittee was held on Monday, April 7, 2014 at 5:00 pm in the 2 nd Floor Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Noel DiBona, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Chair. Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mrs. Maria Anastasi, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Mrs. Mary Fredrickson, Mr. James Mullaney, Mr. Keith Segalla; Lt. Gerry Cuervels and Capt. Richard Bryan from the Quincy Fire Department; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Mrs. Hubley called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm.

Business Director James Mullaney presented the Quarterly Budget Review as of March 31, 2014. At this time, the budget is in good shape overall and he is anticipating that deficits in individual lines will be balanced out by surpluses in other accounts, a Circuit Breaker funding increase, and a one-time transfer from the Building Rental revolving account.

Academic Classroom Teachers and Academic Programs salaries are under budget. Longevity payments cover 30 sick days paid out to retirees is facing a deficit due to a higher than projected number of retirees. In Academic Support, Anticipated small deficits related to substitutes and IT technician overtime will be made up by breakage from staff on unpaid leaves of absence. Academic Support/Aides have a large deficit due to additional Special Education aides. Mr. DiBona asked how many aides are Kindergarten aides. Mr. Mullaney explained that the full-time aides at the four Title I schools are paid for from that grant. The remaining aides (10-11 positions) are in the QPS budget. Non-Academic support has a surplus and the bottom line total for these four accounts is a surplus of $148,527.00.

For Academic Expenses, the largest deficit is in the Tuitions line, where we are in deficit $198,000. For non-academic expenses, there are deficits related to increased utility costs and transportation of special education students. Legal costs were higher than projected by $100,000. Total deficits for the expense accounts are $490,000, but this will be offset by the $500,000 in unanticipated Circuit Breaker funding from the state.

Mr. Bregoli asked about the out of district tuition line and whether these represent new students or existing students who require educational programs that we do not have. Mr. Mullaney said these are existing Quincy Public Schools students. Mr. Mullaney clarified that the athletics officials' fees are also paid out of the Athletics revolving account.

Mr. Mullaney clarified for Mrs. Mahoney that the Special Education tuition increase is based on additional students being outplaced since the beginning of the calendar year. In planning for next year's budget, outplaced students are accounted for and projections of numbers for new placements are factored in. Mrs. Mahoney asked for a breakdown of electricity costs by building and Special Education placements by private school -- numbers by school at the beginning of the year as compared to now. Mrs. Mahoney asked about what contributed to the IT department overtime; preparation for PARCC testing, bringing the new Central Middle School online, and Parent Academies, among other issues. Mrs. Mahoney asked if we know how much money would be carried over from the Circuit Breaker funding to next year; Mr. Mullaney said $2.9 million. Mrs. Mahoney asked for legal fees to be split out by personnel and Special Education issues.

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the Quarterly Budget as presented. Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mrs. Mahoney made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 pm. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.