Quincy, MASSACHUSETTS – June 9, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
Chairman Presiding
A meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, June 9, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at the Coddington Building. Superintendent Kevin Mulvey called the roll and present were Mayor Thomas P. Koch, School Committee Chair, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Vice Chair.
Also present were: Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Allison Cox, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Julie Graham, Ms. Rebecca McInnis, Mr. James Mullaney, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Ms. Ruth Witmer; Commissioner of Natural Resources David Murphy; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
School Committee observed a moment of silence for the men and women in the armed forces serving at home and overseas. Superintendent Mulvey noted the following retired Quincy Public Schools employees who passed away recently: Sally Saluti, longtime crossing guard at the Massachusetts Fields Elementary School and Julie Cantelli, Special Education teacher for over 20 years at Bernazzani and Parker Elementary Schools.
Approval of Minutes
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting for May 19, 2021. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to approve the minutes of the FY2022 Budget Public Hearing for June 2, 2021. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Open Forum
Ms. Owens read letters submitted by Jessica & Dave Bethka and Myra Coufal, who requested restoration of the school bus routes which were eliminated for the 2020-2021 school year due to COVID-19 capacity restrictions. Mrs. Emily Lebo also submitted a letter addressing concerns about recent events at School Committee Subcommittee meetings and the process for adding items to Subcommittee meeting agendas and following up on requested information.
Mayor Koch reflected on the work of School Committee, the Superintendent and the Leadership Team over the course of the last year. Mayor Koch is very proud of the work of the city and school employees, Quincy was a leader in getting students back into school safely, a collaborative effort of so many people who had the same desire to bring students and staff back to school. Educating our students is a community priority.
Superintendent Mulvey announced that Dr. John Franceschini, principal of South~West Middle School will be retiring at the end of June. Dr. Franceschini was not able to attend tonight’s meeting due to a death in his extended family. Dr. Franceschini had over 30 years of service to Quincy Public Schools, was a Physical Education & Health teacher at Sterling Middle School and Quincy High School, as well as QPS Department Chair for Physical Education & Health (also QHS Basketball and Track/Cross-Country coach for many years). Dr. Franceschini was Assistant Principal of Sterling Middle School (2010-11 through 2012-13), and Principal of Sterling/South~West Middle School (2013-14 through 2020-21)
Superintendent Mulvey recognized Lincoln Hancock Principal Ruth Witmer who is also retiring at the end of June, with 30 years of service to Quincy Public Schools, Teacher at Lincoln Hancock and Sterling (15 years), Assistant Principal at LH for one year, Principal Lincoln Hancock Community School 2007-8 through 2020-21 (14 years).
Mayor Koch thanked Mrs. Witmer for her leadership, built a community in South~West Quincy, has made an incredible impact. Mayor Koch thanked Dr. Franceschini for his leadership and thanked him for his many years of service.
Superintendent Mulvey reviewed that Quincy High School graduated 409 seniors on Monday, North Quincy High School was postponed to Thursday, June 10 due to inclement weather.
Quincy Public Schools currently has 9,704 students enrolled, 56% in person and 44% remote. Planning is underway for full return to in person learning for Fall 2021, including Full Day Kindergarten. For QPS Pooled Testing, 0 positive cases for the last two weeks. Pooled testing will continue for summer programs, there students who have not previously signed up can register to participate.
For summer programs, 2,749 students are signed up for one or more weeks of programming. 307 staff members are working at the summer programs. Updated guidelines were released for masks and social distancing being recommended, but not required.
Mr. Gutro said the enrollment numbers are staggering. Ms. Perkins said the array of programming at no cost to families is attractive, families of remote learners are utilizing these as transition opportunities.
Recent Virtual Parent & Community Events include Welcome to Kindergarten (150 parents), Early College High School (130 students and parents), and ELPAC (60 parents). Remote access and immediate translation service. Upcoming event is the Grade 5 Advance Opportunity Information Night on Tuesday, June 15 at 6:30 pm.
Senior Director of Student Support Services Maura Papile updated on several ongoing Quincy Public Schools Initiatives. For the work with VISIONS Inc, the process began last summer with Professional Development for staff members and a needs assessment for the school community climate and culture. VISIONS has held multiple meetings with the Equity Work Group, a cross-functional team of staff, administrators, students, and parents where the Focus Groups were planned. The 46 eight-person Focus Groups are completed and the analysis of the information gathered is underway. A survey of parents (206 responses), staff (203 responses) and students (1700+ responses) has been completed and analysis underway.
For Restorative Justice, staff from both high schools and SLT members have received 32 hours of professional development in a train the trainer model. There will be optional PD scheduled for June and August for cohorts of staff and administrators, over 140 have already signed up for the 10-hour training. This is a multi-tiered, multi-year process, supported in part by a grant from Norfolk County District Attorney Morrissey’s office.
For the DOVE, Inc. YouthSpeak program, there will be summer programming for two week-long groups of students in the QHS Presidents Café. This will provide Peer Leadership opportunities for students going into the new school year. In the FY2022 budget, there are high school Health Educators for each school who will implement the Flash curriculum.
Mrs. Lebo thanked Ms. Papile, these are important initiatives in a complicated year. Ms. Papile thanked her staff, worked hard at having authentic conversations with students about difficult topics.
Mr. Santoro said he hopes that the programs will be around for years to come.
Mrs. Perdios thanked Ms. Papile, asked when the VISIONS report will be available. Ms. Papile said a draft should be ready in July.
Superintendent Mulvey reviewed that the application for the Early College High School program is available on the Quincy Public Schools website and through the Aspen student portal, 50+ have been received to date. On Wednesday, June 16, there will be a meeting with DESE Commissioner Jeffrey Riley and the Joint Committee to confirm Quincy Public School’s acceptance into the program at the state level.
Mr. Gutro asked for clarification on the deadline to apply to the Early College High School program. Superintendent Mulvey confirmed that it is this Friday June 11.
Mrs. Perdios and Mrs. Hubley asked for the application data to be shared by grade and school. Mrs. Perdios asked for additional information about homework expectations. Mr. Segalla will follow up.
Mrs. Lebo said that the Homework Policy specifies that AP or Dual Enrollment classes are not subject to the Homework Policy, expects the same to be true for this program.
A Massachusetts Skills Capital Grant has been awarded to Quincy Public Schools to support our Carpentry Technology Arts Program. Over the next four years, approximately 168 students will be trained as carpenters, supervisors of construction trades, and construction managers. With the $162,400 in grant funding, QPS will purchase new state-of-the-art equipment and technology for the program.
On May 29, North Quincy High School’s Quiz Show team advanced to the semi-finals by defeating Wakefield High School. On Saturday, June 12, the team will face off against Boston Latin School at 6:00 pm.
Each School Committee member received a copy of Open Meeting Law Guide and Educational Materials, which are to be distributed to members of public bodies. Governor Baker has asked the Legislature to review the Open Meeting Law to potentially make permanent provisions for meeting remotely that were allowed under the COVID-19 Emergency Regulations issued in 2020, so there may be updates to this guidance to be shared in the fall.
Old Business
There was no Old Business.
New Business
Department of
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Dave Murphy presented an overview of the department which consists of Park, Forestry, Cemetery, Recreation, and Conservation. The Department of Natural Resources collaborated with the Superintendent and Leadership Team, School Principals, and Athletic Directors, a very challenging year with scheduling four Athletics seasons.
Event partnerships with the Quincy Public Schools include preparation for the outdoor Prom and Senior Stay Out events at Merrymount Park and Adams Field. Cleaner Greener was May 2 and Arbor Day was celebrated at Clifford Marshall Elementary School with the Tree Warden. Environmental Scientist Julie Sullivan is working on a project at Butler’s Pond. Summer 2021 projects include replacing the Snug Harbor Basketball courts (through a grant from the Community Preservation Committee) and the Squantum Elementary School playground.
The Recreation Department, under the leadership of Michelle Hanly, is currently offering outdoor Spring Recreation program at elementary and middle school sites and upcoming Summer programming will include camps and drop-in parks program. With the Lincoln Hancock pool renovation being almost complete, the Recreation Department Learn to Swim program will begin at the end of June.
Support for Quincy Public Schools Athletics includes maintenance and improvement at Veterans Memorial Stadium, Adams Field, Mitchell/McCoy Field, Creedon Field, and the Faxon Field Track. Spring school ground maintenance for all 20 school buildings is underway, collaborating with principals around school events and MCAS testing. Commissioner Murphy would like to collaborate on the Integrated Pest Management plan updates.
Mr. Bregoli asked for clarification, the IPM must specify the chemicals used to treat weeds and other pests on school grounds.
Mrs. Perdios thanked Commissioner Murphy and Ms. Hanly for the work of the department and the variety of programming. Mrs. Perdios asked about the process for schools to request maintenance items, Mr. Murphy said principals can simply email or call him and all are addressed as soon as possible. Mr. Murphy said longer-term projects might require multi-department collaboration and be dependent on capital improvement or Community Preservation funding.
Mr. Gutro said Commissioner Murphy knows the park facilities so well, agreed that Quincy’s facilities are unequaled for youth sports. Mr. Gutro asked about Point Webster grounds, Mr. Murphy said this a larger scope project and planning and funding will be a multi-department effort with Quincy Public Schools and the Public Buildings Department.
Mrs. Lebo thanked Commissioner Murphy for the responsive staff members in the department.
Mr. Santoro said that as a former Park & Recreation Board member, he appreciates seeing Mr. Murphy return to the City.
Mrs. Perdios asked about outdoor recycling bins and/or compost barrels at school sites. Mr. Murphy said there is collaboration with the Department of Public Works on recycling, compost barrels are not yet planned but would have to be collaboration with Quincy Public Schools staff.
Mrs. Lebo said that prior to COVID-19, there was a Mayor’s Task Force working on composting. There was a pilot scheduled to begin in Spring 2020, hoping to move this forward in Fall 2021 with support of School Nutrition Director Sara Dufour.
Mr. Bregoli said the Department of Natural Resources has a huge responsibility for the number of properties to be maintained and improved, thanked Commissioner Murphy.
Mayor Koch said that visitors are impressed by the cleanliness and beautification of the city, it is an incredible amount of planning and execution to maintain the parks.
Superintendent Mulvey thanked Commissioner Murphy for his support of Quincy Public Schools events, including the upcoming Grade 8 Promotional Ceremonies at Creedon Field planned for next week and the Band Competition at Veterans Stadium in October 2021.
New Business
CVTE Program Review
Superintendent Mulvey introduced Executive Director of Career Vocational Technical Education Keith Segalla and Quincy High School CVTE Department Chair Rebecca McInnis. Each Chapter 74 program is required to have a CVTE Advisory Team with five members representing Organized Labor/Business and Industry, Post-Secondary Institutions, Staff, Students, and Parents. QPS has nineteen CVTE Advisory Teams that collaborate on curriculum evaluations, internships/co-ops, and employment preparation (resume development and interview skills) and opportunities. Meetings were held virtually during the 2020-2021 school year and documented as required under the CVTE regulations. Using the Perkins grant funding, 375 students received OSHA General or Construction certification, Career Safety Awareness, and Film & Television Online Safety Training. For curriculum purchases, textbooks were purchased for Early Education and Care, Healthcare Technology, and Electrical. Professional Development was held for OSHA Safety recertifications, Online Learning technology training; and equipment and technology purchases. CVTE placements have continued with local businesses for Automotive, Metal Fabrication, Carpentry, Electrical, and Plumbing, including local unions.
Mr. Gutro asked about continuing career supports, Ms. McInnis said students continue to reach out to their CVTE advisors post-graduation.
Mr. Bregoli asked for the number of students with CVTE diplomas, 190 at QHS and 90 at NQHS. Mr. Bregoli said the expansion of CVTE opportunities at NQHS has been a great opportunity for students, would like to see Legal & Protective Services and Fashion Design offered at NQHS.
Mrs. Lebo said that DESE assesses each school’s Core Indicators so the data is tracked and shared with school systems in an accountability format. Mrs. Lebo asked about the articulation agreements with Quincy College, they are transitioning to the CVTE Pathways. Mrs. Lebo asked about enrollment trends, Mr. Segalla said there is a slight decline in enrollment overall, but some programs are at their enrollment limits.
New Business
FY2022 QPS Budget
Mr. Gutro made a motion to approve the FY2022 Quincy Public Schools Budget. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion.
On the motion, Mrs. Lebo asked for clarification on the pending City Budget, Mayor Koch said the department budget hearings are being rescheduled for next week.
On a roll call vote, the ayes have it 7-0.
New Business
FY2021 QPS Budget
Transfers (VOTE)
Director of Business James Mullaney reviewed requested FY2021 QPS Budget transfers of $508,000 to address deficits in Special Education tuitions, Teacher Professional Discretionary, Electricity and Special Education Transportation. In addition, transfers of $20,000 for Textbooks and $100,000 for Technology Purchases for Superintendent’s Priorities are requested.
Mrs. Perdios questioned moving the funding from the Library Books line, salaries. Mr. Mullaney said there was breakage available from unfilled positions.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the FY2021 Quincy Public Schools Budget transfers as presented. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Hubley and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-0. Mrs. Perdios voted PRESENT.
New Business
QPS “COVID Keepers”
Superintendent Mulvey reviewed the “COVID-Keepers” items collected from Superintendent’s Leadership and Principal Teams, including Early Release days on Wednesdays, Google Classroom/Google Suite, Online Pre-Registration for new students (including virtual appointments for Central Registration), Virtual Parent Conferences and Parent Academy events with simultaneous translations, Virtual Staff Meetings (including Principal Teams) and Professional Development; online student Formative Assessments; Virtual Field Trips, Author Visits, and Guest Speakers; use of ASPEN/Google Gradebook for parent and student; remote student forums and other remote extracurricular opportunities for middle and high school students. Under special circumstances, students would be allowed to access classrooms remotely due to extended illness or quarantine.
It is not yet clear whether remote learning will be allowed on inclement weather days, waiting for guidance for DESE. Earlier this week, school districts were advised that switching to remote learning due to the heat index would not be allowed to count towards Student Learning Time requirements.
Mr. Gutro said that we all learned a lot and grew during this year. Mr. Gutro asked about Focus Groups, Superintendent Mulvey said having these online has allowed for a wide range of participants and provide access through the simultaneous translation services. Superintendent Mulvey said the participation numbers are higher with the virtual opportunities. Mr. Gutro asked if virtual opportunities for teacher collaboration across schools are something that will be done moving forward. Ms. Perkins said collaboration is popular option, remote meetings are efficient way to roll out citywide initiatives. Mr. Gutro asked if plays and concerts can be added to livestreaming options. Superintendent Mulvey said we can explore adding cameras to the auditoriums.
Mrs. Perdios said that some of the Parent Academies could be in person and livestreamed, particularly the Welcome to Kindergarten. Mrs. Perdios asked about remote learning for illness/quarantine and whether DESE will accept that. Superintendent Mulvey said that remains to be seen under the DESE guidance, this would be for all grade levels.
Mrs. Perdios asked about livestreaming of high school sports, Superintendent Mulvey agreed that this will be retained. Managing the broadcasts has been a great experience for high school Broadcasting students.
Mrs. Perdios asked about Task Force meetings, Superintendent Mulvey said there are some circumstances where in person are optimal but retaining virtual format
Mrs. Perdios asked about transition time between classes and retaining that, longer lunch and recess for elementary and middle schools. Mrs. Perdios asked about field trips, in person field trips will be resuming, virtual field trips will be an add-on.
Mrs. Hubley asked if Parent Conferences can have the option for in-person and virtual, not be limited to one or the other. Mrs. Hubley would like to send a resolution supporting remote learning for inclement weather to DESE.
Mrs. Lebo asked about the Special Education specialists continuing virtual interactions with families. Mrs. Lebo would like Gradebook usage to be consistent, Aspen or Google, not different options for different teachers.
Mrs. Lebo is concerned about livestreaming for a student out for illness, would like to retain tutoring option. Livestreaming is a burden on the teacher and can detract from learning experience.
New Business
Policy Section 5.2.3
Referral to Policy
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to move Quincy School Committee Policy Section 5.2.3 Emergency Closings to the Policy Subcommittee for review. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Policy Sections 9.11,
9.11.2, 9.11.3, 9.11.4,
9.11.5 Referral to Policy
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to move Quincy School Committee Policy Sections 9.11 Grading Systems; 9.11.2 Class Rankings; 9.11.3 Honor Rolls; 9.11.4 Promotion & Retention of Students; 9.11.5 Graduation Requirements to the Policy Subcommittee for review. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Policy Section 1.2.1
Referral to Policy
Mr. Gutro made a motion to move Quincy School Committee Policy Section 1.2.1 Community Involvement in Decision Making to the Policy Subcommittee for review. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Policy Section 5.5.1
through 5.5.6
Referral to Policy
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to move Quincy School Committee Policy Sections 5.5.1 through 5.5.6 Transportation Service Management to the Policy Subcommittee for review. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Baccalaureate Program
Referral to Teaching &
Mrs. Hubley requested a presentation on the International Baccalaureate Program at an upcoming Teaching & Learning Subcommittee. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
New Business
Chinese Language
Immersion Program
Referral to Teaching &
Learning and EDI
Mr. Santoro referred exploration of establishing a Chinese Language Immersion Program the Teaching & Learning and Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittees. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Additional Business
Mr. Gutro read letter from an Atlantic Middle School student inquiring about wheelchair accessibility for referral to EDI and Facilities Subcommittee. Mrs. Hubley amended to refer to Special Education as well.
Mayor Koch noted that this is the last Regular School Committee meeting of the school year.
Reports of
Mayor Koch noted that School Committee meeting minutes can be found on the Quincy Public Schools website quincypublicschools.com.
Mayor Koch reviewed that Budget & Finance Subcommittee meetings were held on May 26, 2021 and June 2, 2021 to review, discuss, and approve the FY2022 Quincy Public Schools Budget that was approved earlier in this meeting. In addition, the FY2021 3rd Quarter Budget Review was presented and accepted.
Mrs. Lebo reviewed the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee meeting that was held on May 26, 2021. Agenda items included a presentation on the Virtual Learning Survey data, an update on the Curriculum Collaboration on new high school literature selections, the updated World Languages Curriculum Frameworks, and the Elementary & Middle School Improvement Plans.
Mr. Santoro reviewed Joint Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Facilities, Transportation & Security Subcommittees meeting held on May 26, 2021. Topics on the agenda included the Grade 5 Feasibility Study, a review of security cameras in school buildings, the new high school literature selections, and an update on school projects from Public Buildings Commissioner Paul Hines.
As there were no changes to the minutes of the May 26, 2021 Budget & Finance, Teaching & Learning, Joint Equity, Diversity & Inclusion/Facilities, Security & Transportation and the June 2, 2021 Budget & Finance Subcommittee meetings, the minutes were approved as presented.
Executive Session
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:00 pm for the purpose of Collective Bargaining. Mr. Bregoli seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0. School Committee will not return to regular session.
The Regular School Committee meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.