May 26, 2021 Teaching/Learning Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee

Teaching & Learning Subcommittee

**This meeting is a Committee of the Whole**

Mrs. Emily Lebo, Teaching & Learning Chair
Mr. Paul Bregoli & Mr. Frank Santoro, Subcommittee Members

Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 6:00 pm
Coddington Building, School Committee Room

Per Governor Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, the public will not be allowed to physically access this School Committee meeting. Members of the Public can access the meeting live on QATV Channel 22 or at The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS website on Friday, May 28, 2021.

  1. Virtual Learning Survey Data - Ms. Perkins, Ms. Roy

  2. High School Curriculum Collaboration - Mrs. Lebo

  3. Updated World Languages Curriculum Framework - Ms. Roy

  4. Elementary & Middle School Improvement Plans - Ms. Perkins
    SIPs are being submitted to School Committee without presentation; please email any follow-up questions


Quincy School Committee

Teaching & Learning Subcommittee Meeting ~ May 26, 2021

A meeting of the Teaching & Learning Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 6:30 pm at the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mrs. Emily Lebo, Subcommittee Chair. Also attending were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Kimberley Quinn, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Edward Smith; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins introduced Curriculum Team Administrators Kimberley Quinn and Ed Smith to present on the Virtual Learning Survey data from Parents (636 responses), Students (1,983 responses from Grades 5-12), and Educators (325 responses). The surveys were organized into categories for Participation & Engagement, Social & Emotional Well-Being, and Technology & Digital Learning. The responders were 48% remote and 52% in-person.

82% of Parents and 78% students agreed or strongly agreed that they were satisfied with the virtual learning provided by QPS educators. 90% approved of the use of Google Classroom and 70% felt that students are focused during remote learning. 76% of parents and 80% of students say that students feel connected to adults at school. 77% of students and 71% of students say the students feel connected to other students at school. 54% of parents believe there was less student learning during virtual learning and 66% of parents are concerned about their students’ social-emotional health due to virtual learning. 89% of parents and 85% of students say they or their students look forward to returning to in-person learning in September.

For Educators, 90% felt confident in developing activities and lessons that are appropriate for student learning experience. 62% felt they covered less content than they could in person. 60% felt they had the opportunity to make connections with their students, parents, and families during remote learning. 70% did not feel connected to their colleagues while teaching remotely. 83% plan to continue to use Google Classroom regardless going forward. 90% would like the option for meetings, conferences, and PD to continue to be held virtually.

Mr. Gutro is glad to see the data on continued usage for Google Classroom. Mr. Gutro asked for how QPS plans to re-establish connections with students, families, and staff who felt disconnected during this school year. Ms. Perkins said the robust summer programs, which the majority will be held in person, are focused on this. Many of the schools have informal summer events to build family communities and principals will be encouraged to expand this.

Mr. Gutro noted that there are many students who have never attended their school in person, orientation will be an issue at elementary, middle, and high schools. Ms. Perkins said there are transitional programs available to address these students needs.

Mrs. Perdios asked if the survey was anonymous how to follow up with parents and students who did not feel engaged. Mrs. Perdios would like to see MCAS and MAP scores aggregated for remote and in person learning, especially with the feeling about less content being covered. Mrs. Perdios agreed that parents liked the remote teacher conference options, much easier than juggling childcare.

Mrs. Lebo said there are no surprises in this data, looking forward to students returning to school in the fall. Mrs. Lebo said that the teachers feeling disconnected during remote learning made this a difficult and isolating year for them. The MCAS data will be interesting to review, given all the challenges. Educators who felt they did not have the materials they needed may have been unprepared for the technology challenges.

Mrs. Lebo spoke about the recent meeting she attended in collaboration with the NQHS and QHS students and staff who are evaluating new literature titles for the high school curriculum.

Mr. Santoro objected to the item being on the agenda, as it is not an item in this Subcommittee. The topic is in the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee. Mr. Gutro agreed with Mr. Santoro.

Mrs. Perdios noted that School Committee members were not given the option to be included in the meeting.

Mrs. Lebo said that if more than one School Committee member is included, the meeting must be posted as a public meeting.

Mrs. Lebo said the Curriculum Collaboration group has been meeting about EDI issues as it relates to curriculum. Students have also been involved in this discussion and there are titles that are being considered to diversify the reading program. Mrs. Lebo would like to discuss increased curriculum funding in the FY2022 Budget to purchase these newer titles for both high schools.

Mr. Santoro asked when the meetings were held and who the participants were. Mrs. Lebo said students from the EDI Subcommittee and QPS staff participated in the discussion. Mrs. Lebo requested Ms. Perkins to share the list of titles and suggested a One City, One Book initiative that the Thomas Crane Public Library can be involved in.

Mrs. Perdios asked if there is a specific funding increase for the curriculum purchases. Ms. Roy said there are considerations for adding one new title for each grade level. Mrs. Perdios asked to see a proposal for budget consideration. This can be discussed further at next week’s EDI Subcommittee meeting.

Senior Curriculum Director Madeline Roy presented on the Updated World Languages Curriculum Framework updated in April 2021, reflecting the national standards developed by the American Council of Foreign Languages. The national standards are organized around the five “C”s: Communities, Cultures, Comparisons, Conversations, and Communication. The new frameworks have an abundance of open-source resources. The goal is to empower students to engage in a language other than English, participate in local, national, and international communities. Ms. Roy said there is a lot of overlap with the Humanities curriculums. In addition to the content standards, the new frameworks have guiding principles that enhance the robust learning experience. Next steps are to participate in the district networking meeting on June 3; DESE is hosting a district leadership meeting in August. In September 2021, the middle & high school Foreign Language teachers will meet to begin to unpack the standards and professional development will be planned. Ms. Roy thanked the high school department chairs for the work done already in anticipation of the new frameworks and the shift to proficiency-based learning.

Mrs. Perdios likes the global citizenship concept being integrated into the new frameworks. Mrs. Perdios asked about grade level requirements, Ms. Roy said this is proficiency-based, more along the lines of EL proficiency levels. Ultimately, this may change how students are assigned to classes.

Mrs. Perdios asked what the current Foreign Language requirement, Ms. Roy said this is currently two years/10 credits. Ms. Roy said some colleges have a three-year requirement so guidance counselors work with students based on their post-graduate plans.

Mrs. Perdios asked whether Grade 8 Foreign Language fills the requirement, it does not count. Mrs. Perdios would like to see Foreign Language instruction begin earlier, possibly Grade 6 and would also like to see American Sign Language as an option.

Mr. Santoro asked about introducing an immersion program, for future consideration, perhaps in Mandarin.

Mrs. Lebo agreed with the idea, if funding allows.

Mrs. Lebo noted that French is not universally available for Grade 8, it depends on the interest level at each school. Mrs. Lebo asked about remote access being the solution.

Mrs. Lebo asked about the Massachusetts State Seal of Bi-Literacy, Ms. Roy said this is an award who recognizes high school students who attain a high level of proficiency in two or more languages. This seal is on their transcript/diploma, and there are assessments to be administered to confirm this. The first step is for Quincy have approved assessments and would require the coordination of EL and Foreign Languages departments.

Ms. Perkins reviewed that the Elementary and Middle School Improvement Plans were submitted to School Committee. The academic goals were continued from 2019-2020 and a social-emotional goal was added. All facilities needs have been referred to the Facilities, Transportation & Security Subcommittee.

Mrs. Lebo asked about the Point Webster Middle School grounds, Superintendent Mulvey said that Mayor Koch is working on an outside funding source. Some preliminary work is being done by Woodward & Curran in assessing the site in anticipation of receiving the funding.

Mrs. Perdios thanked Superintendent Mulvey and Mayor Koch for this work, asked about master list of Facilities needs. Ms. Owens will collaborate with Public Buildings Commissioner Hines to update this list for the June 2, 2021 Facilities Subcommittee meeting.

Mr. Gutro asked and received confirmation that the regular schedule of SIPs being presented by principals to School Committee will resume.

Mr. Santoro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 pm. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.