Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
May 2, 2007
City Council Chambers
7:00 p.m.
I. Approval of Minutes: Regular session minutes for April 11, 2007.
II. Superintendent’s Report:
- Assessment Day 3
- Quincy Symphony Orchestra/Partnership Event "Evening at the POPS" May 10
- Elementary Student Annual Literature Contest
- Celebration of the Arts
- Summer Reading
- Security Updates
III. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public
Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a
presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee.
IV. Old Business:
A. Update on building projects, renovations, and construction: Mr. Canavan
to report.
B. Update on the New Quincy High School
C. On a motion by Ms. Stice, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the Committee approved the revised report card for grades 1-5. As is School Committee Policy, a final vote needs to be taken tonight.
V. New Business:
A. School Choice: Superintendent recommends that the Quincy School Committee withdraws from the obligation to enroll non-resident students in the Quincy Public Schools for the 2007-2008 academic year for the following reasons:
1. Continued projected enrollment conditions at the elementary and middle
schools based on current and projected enrollments.
2. Policy of the Quincy School Committee to adhere to class size guidelines.
B. Update on Quincy Public Schools Webpage: Mr. O'Brien to report.
C. Gift: Donation from Boston Financial to the Snug Harbor School. See Attachment A.
VI. Additional Business:
VII. Communications:
VIII. Hearings - none
IX. Reports of Special Committees:
1. Health, Safety, & Security Subcommittee: Ms. Mahoney to report
X. Executive Session:
XI. Adjournment:
Subcommittees of the School Committee
Subcommittee |
Date Referred |
Business Pending |
Budget & Finance |
McCarthy/Stice/Mahoney |
11/19/2003 |
Vending Machines in Schools |
1/7/2004 |
Marshall Remedial Action Plan |
5/27/2004 (Subcommittee) |
Transportation Fees |
4/11/2007 |
HS Health Curriculum |
Building Needs |
Dwyer/McCarthy/Timmins |
Major Building Projects |
3/4/98 |
QHS/Central/Sterling Building Plans |
10/20/2004 |
ADA Report |
9/7/2005 |
Alternative Plans for Central Middle School |
1/25/2006 |
Fire Extinguishers |
1/25/2006 |
Outdoor Lighting |
2/8/2006 |
Conservation |
Health, Safety & Security |
Mahoney/Dwyer/Timmins |
10/18/2006 |
NQHS Traffic & Drop off |
4/11/2007 |
HS Health Curriculum |
School Policy |
Stice/Mahoney/Mulvey |
1/10/2001 |
Policy Manual |
1/9/2002 |
Early Childhood Ed. |
1/9/2002 |
Common Goals |
11/19/2003 |
Vending Machines in Schools |
9/6/2006 |
Dress Code |
10/18/2006 |
Sliding Scale for Student Fees |
12/13/2006 |
3/21/2007 |
Elementary Report Cards |
3/21/2007 |
Student Records/Transfers, etc. |
3/21/2007 |
Elementary Report Cards |
Special Education |
Timmins/McCarthy/Mulvey |
1/17/2007 |
Emergency Information Form |
1/17/2007 |
Substitute Teachers for SPED |
3/21/2007 |
Implementation of IEPs |
Rules, Post Audit & Oversight |
Mulvey/Stice/Dwyer |