Quincy, Massachusetts - October 17, 2007
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, Regular
October 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall. Present Meeting
were Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Linda Stice, Mr. Jim
Timmins, Mr. Dave McCarthy, Mayor Phelan and Ms. Elaine Dwyer, Vice Chairman.
Vice Chairman Presiding
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The Superintendent called the roll and all members were present. Also
present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary, and Mrs. Tefta Burrelli,
Clerk; Dr. Pattavina. Messrs. O’Brien, Ryan, Walsh, McPhee, Canavan,
Kevin and Keith Segalla, Ms. Powell, Hughes, and Roberts. Ms. Roseann
Russell, Citywide, and Mr. Paul Phillips, QEA President, were also present.
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Reg.Mins. Approved 10/3/2007
On a motion by Mr. McCarthy, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, the Committee
approved the regular session minutes for October 3, 2007. The ayes have it.
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Supts. Report
The Superintendent thanked everyone that attended the Governor’s Open
Forum at Merrymount School the other evening. He especially thanked
the Maintenance and Custodial staff as the school was spotless.
The Governor spoke of low class size and full day kindergarten. These
ideas are already realized in Quincy.
Thanks went to the Patriot Ledger for facilitating a Mayoral debate at
North Quincy High School. Several students participated by asking
Athletic Director, Jim Rendle, briefly shared information with the
Committee about the high school and middle school fall athletic season.
The members also received a copy of the latest Athletic Handbook.
Quincy is awaiting word from MIAA on the league change.
Ms. Jane Kisielius, working with Janet Powell, Joanne Morrissey,
John Franceschini and professional staff, did an excellent job with
the Health and Wellness team. The team meets several times throughout
the school year. They also publish a quarterly newsletter. Ms. Kislielius
updated the Committee on the Team’s 2007-2008 activities and goals.
The Superintendent spoke at the Citywide Parents monthly meeting
The members received a booklet of the information he shared with
Channel 22
Mr. O’Brien reported that the school department has access to Channel
22 and uses it to publish information about school activities, school
cancellations, open houses, report cards, sports events, after school
activities, etc. Mr. Timmins said he would like to encourage greater
use of Channel 22. He would like to see principals using it, sporting
events--golf, volleyball events, middle school track meets. He would
like us to coordinate with QATV for students to develop media savvy.
Ad Hoc Subcommittee Channel 22
Mr. Timmins made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Mahoney, to create a
special ad hoc subcommittee to look at Channel 22. The ayes have it.
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Casa Start
Ms. Janet Powell spoke to a public safety grant the school system received
again -- Casa Start. This program has a strong home/school connection
but will end in 2008. She was notified today that Quincy has been awarded
an additional four years. Quincy will receive $120,000 per year for the
next four years.
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Open Forum
Ms. Roseann Russell, representing Citywide, thanked the Superintendent
for speaking at Citywide’s first meeting. The parents found the meeting
very informative.
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Mr. Ryan reported that they are now working on Woodward Ave setting
manholes for utility pipes. Foundation walls have been poured for the
new building. Mr. Ryan has met with Gilbane regarding security at the
gates. Any gate not being used will be locked. Gilbane employees will
monitor the gates. Additional signage has been ordered. Key span will
be escorted onto the site to make sure the work is done and then escorted
Mr. Ryan met with Mr. Santoro and the principal’s council and had
a very good dialogue. They are communicating and the teachers
seem very happy.
A meeting was held with Mr. Ryan, the Superintendent and public
safety officials on how to can get public safety officials more
involved. That meeting went well.
Ms. Conyngham City Solicitor
At this time, Ms. Monica Conyngham, City Solicitor, addressed the
Committee. She said that the Superintendent had extended her the
courtesy for her to speak to the allegations people have read in the
paper about the cost of the school and the deadlines and why there
has been an increase in cost.
New QHS Update
When she first came to Quincy, the plan was to fill in six acres of
wetlands. The prior administration told everyone that the six acres
of wetland would receive permitting. On February 2004 notice from
the EPA was received telling us that it could not be filled. The
decision was made then to move the project up the hill.
Point of Order
Mrs. Mahoney asked for a point of order. She asked what was the
benefit of this presentation as she found it a little awkward right now.
Ms. Coyngham said she wanted to remind people that there is a very
long history to the siting of the school and if there is misinformation
out there she would like to clear it up. She has had people stop her and
ask why this school wasn’t built three years ago. She feels that her
credibility is being called into question.
Mr. Timmins agreed with Ms. McCarthy that there is a concern. What
goes on the campaign trail should be addressed there. Mr. Timmins
said she should not feel that she has to defend the decisions she made.
The project is well underway and he wanted to focus on moving forward.
Ms. Conyngham responded that there has been an enormous amount of
work to construct a first rate high school. It seemed to her that it has
been quite a while that people remember all the steps taken to build a
high school.
Mr. Timmins said his point or order is that he doesn’t see this as appropriate
business for the School Committee. He is concerned about the project in
the ground now not what was done years ago. No Committee member has
challenged Ms. Conyngham’s work. If we open ourselves up to public
debate he didn’t want to hear from one side and then the other.
Mayor Phelan made a motion, seconded by Ms. Stice, to allow the Solicitor to
Ms. Stice said this has been a controversial issue for 10 years and it is the School
Committee’s judgment that is being discussed. The architects at the time told
the members that the wetlands could be filled in. She resents reading that the
Superintendent was tardy getting information to the state as it reflects on all of
Mr. Timmins still didn’t feel that this discussion was appropriate. It was
not an agenda item. Ms. Conyngham was talking about the history that
was brought up on a campaign trail. He didn’t want to discuss Tom Koch
and Mayor Phelan’s disagreement on the campaign trail. No one in
this body has questioned her work on this project. She has done a terrific job.
Mrs. Mahoney was not sure of the relevance of her discussion. The School
Committee, she said, can’t react to every article in the newspaper. A new
building is already underway.
On a roll call vote, the motion to allow Ms. Conyngham to continue, passed
5-2. Elaine Dwyer, Dave McCarthy, Linda Stice, Kevin Mulvey, and Mayor
Phelan voted YES. Mr. Timmins and Mrs. Mahoney voted NO.
Ms. Conyngham continued that they couldn’t get a variance for the school that
was designed in the middle of the wetlands. So a building was designed that
didn’t impact the wetlands. The MSBA said we had to use the old Quincy
High School and build on. The MSBA wanted us to fit a school building on
the playing fields on So. Artery. If we did that, it would been a six
story building. There was not enough room there.
In March 2006, the MSBA allowed Quincy to build the building we have now.
They would not allow us to use the old Quincy High School. The school
could not have been built in 2004 as we did not have a workable plan.
There was no missed deadline. Central Middle School was eligible for the
90% because of the Joyce Amendment. There was never any deadline for
submitting applications for Central. There was a change in the law that
affected Central. The Joyce Amendment was repealed. There is an allegation
or an implication we should be doing something right now. We filed our forms.
We are waiting a decision about weather Central will qualify for an early award.
The 90% has been pegged at 2004 construction costs. It is Ms. Conynngham’s
expectation that the City will receive more money under the new program than it
would have had we remained eligible at 90%.
Ms. Mahoney said she appreciated the history lesson but feels very uncomfortable
with it. She felt that this whole thing is politically motivated.
Ms. Conyngham said she has been reading about it in the paper and getting
asked. It was her desire to respond to remind people of the facts. She brought
this up because it is in the paper and not for any other reason.
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Central & Sterling
There is no update on Central or Sterling until Quincy hears from the State.
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Gift - Needy students
On a motion by Mr. Mulvey, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee
approved the 38 pairs of new boots donated by Mary Gustafson for needy
Quincy students. The ayes have it.
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Trips tabled
The out of country travel trip requests were tabled until more information
is obtained.
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Additional Business
Under Additional Business, Mrs. Mahoney asked for an update on buses.
She heard that Lincoln Hancock went from five buses to four buses and that
buses are coming late and students are missing buses.
Mr. McPhee answered that because of an issue with one of the buses, they
had to double up on routes. We had sub drivers not familiar with routes
which hurt the pick up. Ms. Mahoney asked about bus stops.
Incident Reports
Mrs. Mahoney asked for a report what was going on with regard to incidents
that happen in the school system i.e. if there are any widows being broken,
bullying, any incidents that with equipment, knives being brought into the
school system. Also, she is waiting for a report on where the security
equipment is located in the schools, a breakdown of equipment, school to
The Superintendent said he needs to work on that because there is a fine
line involved with incident reports. Mrs. Mahoney said she didn’t need
the students’ names, but that she wants to be apprised of the incidents so
that she is aware when she receives inquires.
Mr. McCarthy asked for a copy of the building checks that was initiated a
few years ago. Mr. McPhee will have that for the next meeting.
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Bldg. Update
Mr. Canavan reported that Lincoln Hancock bathroom stalls are being
repaired, and the lights are 99% done. The door at Water St. has been
repaired. The PA system on the 3rd floor works, but they need to
work on the location of the speakers. The electricians are trying to
install more speakers. There was a meeting today on the North Quincy High
gym. The damaged areas in the gym will be relined sometime in November.
At Central sinks, toilets, steam traps were repaired. The gym roof was
done over. Mr. Canavan will get back to the Committee regarding univents.
School Inspections
Mr. McCarthy asked about the inspection of schools. Mr. Ryan answered
that the Fire Department goes out four times a year and inspects. He is
working with them on the fire extinguishers. Mr. Timmins asked to see
these reports from the Fire Dept. as they come in.
Mrs. Dwyer said is scheduling a building needs subcommittee meeting.
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SIP Approved
The Policy Subcommittee met on the 24, 26, and 27 and reviewed School
Improvement Plans. On a motion by Ms. Stice, seconded by Mr. Mulvey, the
Committee approved all the School Improvement Plans (except Marshall and
Sterling). The ayes have it.
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The Committee noted the following resignations:
Lunch Attendant: Kathleen Romanholi
The Committee noted the following appointments:
Lunch Attendants: Amy Ha, Brenda Havey, Wunnarat Rerngkastkig
Paraprofessional: Terri Riley
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On a motion by Mr. Timmins, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, the Committee
Voted to adjourn for the evening at 9:12 p.m. There was no executive session.
On a roll cal vote, the motion passed unanimously 7-0.