Quincy, Massachusetts - September 11, 2013
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Regular Meeting
A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday,
September 11, 2013 at Quincy High School. Present were Mayor Thomas Koch,
Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Anne Mahoney,
Mr. David McCarthy, and Ms. Barbara Isola, Vice Chair.
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The Superintendent called the roll and Mr. Bregoli was absent. Also present
were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk, Mr.
Michael Draicchio, Mrs. Mary Fredrickson, Ms. Beth Hallett, Mrs. Jane Kisielius,
Mr. James Mullaney, Acting Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mrs. Maura
Papile, Mrs. Erin Perkins, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Lawrence
Taglieri, Ms. Judy Todd; Ms. Allison Cox, President, Quincy Education
Association, Ms. Linda Perry, Vice-President, Quincy Parent Advisory Council to
Special Education and Mrs. Tracey Christello, Citywide Parents Council
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There was a moment of silence in remembrance of the victims of the September
11 attacks. Dr. DeCristofaro then mentioned some members of the Quincy Public
Schools family who had recently passed away: Teacher Ann Bergeron, Athletic
Director Martin Finnegan,Quincy High School English Department Chair Bruce
McDonald, and Business Office Clerk Marjorie Ready.
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Regular Meeting Minutes Approved
Mrs. Lebo made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hubley, to approve the Regular
Meeting minutes for June 12, 2013. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.
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Open Forum
Linda Perry, Vice-President of the Quincy Parent Advisory Council to Special
Education noted that her daughter is a senior this year. QPAC's main goal this year
is to increase participation and recruit new board members. She announced that the
first general meeting of the year would be held on Thursday, September 12. On
September 26, there will be a Parent Support meeting; on September 30, a
presentation on parent advocacy; and on October 16, the Special Education
Subcommittee will review the Special Education Program Improvement Plan.
Citywide Parents Council Representative to the School Committee Tracey Christello
addressed the School Committee and thanked them for the Librarian positions in
the middle schools.
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Superintendent’s Report
Superintendent DeCristofaro introduced new Quincy High School Principal Taglieri
who welcomed the School Committee to Quincy High School. The start of school
went very smoothly and Quincy High School's Open House will be held next
Thursday. He concluded by thanking the School Committee for all they do for all
the children in the Quincy Public Schools.
Dr. DeCristofaro then introduced the Inspiring Quincy/Summer Scene 2013 video
compilation of highlights from the many Quincy Public Schools summer
programs, including Lego Robotics, ABCs of Kindergarten, Windows WIzards,
Crafty Kids; Snug Harbor Summer School; Bridge to Reading; SWELL Academy,
Quincy Community Planting Program, Sterling STEM Program, Elementary
Developmental Learning Center, and Youthworks (QHS). Dr. DeCristofaro spoke
of the many extraordinary summer programs, with over 1,000 students
participating. The SWELL Academy was a great success, thanks to Mary
Fredrickson and Beth Hallett for writing the grant.
The New Educator Orientation was held on August 28 and 29; Dr. DeCristofaro
thanked Anne McCarthy, Mary McDonald, Kevin Mulvey for organizing the event
along with Keith Segalla. These new educators will continue to be supported
through the mentoring program, once again sponsored by the National Association
of Government Employees (NAGE) with another $10,000 donation this year.
With fifteen administrative changes this year, mentoring efforts will take place
across the school system at all levels.
Upcoming Partnership activities include the Professional Teacher Status Reception
on October 3, where 15 staff members will be recognized. The Teacher MiniGrant Reception will be held on October 29, with many of the grants provided by
partners. Our Community~Business Partners also supplied backpacks for all
students at Clifford Marshall, Lincoln Hancock, Parker, and Snug Harbor and
teacher supplies for the Montclair School.
Preparations for North Quincy High School's NEASC visit are underway, with
School Committee interviews and a reception scheduled for Sunday, October 20.
NAEYC certification is up for review at the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten
levels; 37 classrooms will be visited over the next six months and updates on the
progress will be provided.
Dr. DeCristofaro then updated the School Committee on the Building Projects
underway in the Quincy Public Schools. We recently submitted the next round of
documentation to the Massachusetts School Building (MSBA) on the Accelerated
Repair Program Window Replacement projects at North Quincy High School and
Merrymount and Wollaston Elementary Schools. These documents included a
Maintenance and Capital Plan and Project Schedule along with Certificate of
Funding; the Owner's Project Manager and Designer are scheduled to be assigned
September 12, with schematics due to the MSBA on December 12.
The former Quincy High School has been reduced to rubble and transporting the
debris from the site is underway. The Mayor's Office has collaborated with
Principal Taglieri and Quincy High School to make sure that things have gone
smoothly with arrival and dismissal. Dr. DeCristofaro noted that he is looking
forward to the opportunity to create a campus around the Quincy High School
building. The renovation of Coddington Hall is moving forward; Walter
MacDonald from Public Buildings will report at a future meeting.
For the new Central Middle School, a new construction update with recent pictures
was developed. Dr. DeCristofaro walked through the building yesterday and much
progress has been made in the classrooms and library area, with furniture
installation underway. There is still work to be done in student dining area,
auditorium, and gymnasium. Significant progress has been made, furniture is
starting to be set up. Training is still to be scheduled on technical equipment and
safety procedures; the outside hardscape and landscape is starting to be finalized.
Mr. Bregoli arrived at 7:30 pm.
Dr. DeCristofaro announced that Preliminary Enrollment totals 9,543, with just
over 100 additional students from last year. Elementary levels are rising, with over
800 students in Full-Day Kindergarten; almost all elementary grades are over 700
students. More detailed information will be presented at the October 9 School
Committee meeting, following the October 1 submission of information to DESE.
For Maintenance/Custodial Summer Projects, the Parks Department did major
work on grounds around all school buildings. The Department of Public Works relined parking lots at five schools and did major repairs to the Atlantic parking lot.
Major construction projects were completed at Lincoln Hancock, Wollaston,
Montclair, and Marshall Elementary Schools. Many projects were completed in all
building trades. The Maintenance and Custodial staffs worked hard to prepare for
the new school year.
Mr. Keith Segalla then updated the School Committee on the implementation and
transition to the new Student Implementation System, Aspen X2, which was
completed for the start of school. After nine months of planning, data conversion,
and training, the system went live on August 16. Ten professional staff members
were trained as champions for their schools; all middle and high school staffs have
been trained (around 450 staff members). Another 200 Superintendent's
Leadership Team members, Principals, and Administrators, have already been
trained. Training and support will continue throughout the fall. The Elementary
Classroom Attendance, Student/Parent Portal, Curriculum, and SPED Modules are
still to be launched. This rollout required the collaboration of staff all over Quincy
Public Schools, especially the IT team for their integral role in this launch.
Mrs. Lebo noted the amount of work that was done over the summer and thanked
the Mayor for the speedy demolition of Quincy High School. Mrs. Lebo asked for
an update on the solar array installation issue; Mayor Koch said that would be an
agenda item for an upcoming meeting. Mr. McCarthy reminded the School
Committee that this item was moved into the Facilities and Security Subcommittee
at the June 12, 2013 School Committee meeting.
Mrs. Mahoney asked for an update on the rubble removal at the former Quincy
High School site; feels that it is disruptive that the work was not done before
school started. Mrs. Mahoney asked whether there was a schedule for the work to
be done on the side of the new Quincy High School building that connected to the
former building. She also expressed concern that the Lincoln Hancock library
books were still being reshelved following the summer construction. Finally, Mrs.
Mahoney asked whether there would be an upcoming Central Building Committee
meeting scheduled; she is looking for an updated construction schedule and
information for parents and expressed concerns about the project budget.
Mr. Bregoli noted that the increased enrollment can put pressure on school staff;
he suggested that new registrations for all students could filter through Central
Registration for the first month of school.
Mrs. Lebo asked for a list of Open House dates for elementary, middle, and high
schools. Mrs. Mahoney noted that the information was posted on the Quincy
Public Schools website.
Mayor Koch addressed Mrs. Mahoney's questions. The Quincy High School
demolition was a complicated process due to the existing agreements with the
Massachusetts Historic Society and the Army Corps of Engineers. The demolition
was completed before school began, minimizing the disruption to students and
classes at the school. The appropriation for additional landscaping will be
coordinated with the Coddington Hall renovation and Dr. DeCristofaro and
Principal Taglieri will be consulted during the plan development. Quincy High
School architects SSMA is working with Public Buildings to develop a plan for
finishing the remaining wall on the new Quincy High School exterior. The
Coddington Hall renovation is currently ahead of schedule. At a Central Middle
School project meeting today with all stakeholders in the Mayor's Office; the
contractor assured everyone that the project is on budget in accordance with
guidelines set forth in City Council appropriation. Within a week or two, the
transition plan and move date for Central Middle School staff and students should
be finalized and publicly shared.
Mr. Bregoli asked if there is a penalty that the building was not completed on
time. Mayor Koch said there is language in the contract that allows for penalizing
the contractor for delays.
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Old Business
School Committee Goal Setting 2013-2014
Dr. DeCristofaro reminded the School Committee of their role in the process of
goal-setting. The Special Meeting focused on goal-setting will be held on Wednesday,
September 18 at 5:00 pm in the NAGE Building. Ms. Isola noted that the meeting is a
public meeting and has been very productive. A draft of the Superintendent's Annual
Plan goals were shared; these will be shared for School and Program Improvement
Plan preparation and feed into individual educator goals. The Superintendent set two
goals and presented seven additional goals for the School Committee to choose from.
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Educator Evaluation Update
Acting Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey and Senior Director of Student
Support Services and Special Education Maura Papile presented an update of the
Educator Evaluation Implementation now underway in the Quincy Public Schools.
Mr. Mulvey reviewed that the state passed a law in June 2011, mandating that all
districts adopt these regulations. From the beginning, QPS's goal was to collaborate
with the Quincy Education Association and the School Committee to implement this
process. Mrs. Lebo was the School Committee representative on the model language
negotiations team. The negotiations team is proposing adaption of the state's model
language; ratification will be presented in Executive Session.
In order to prepare staff for the upcoming implementation, QPS has developed the
Educator Evaluation Handbook in collaboration with the QEA and contracted with
Longleaf Software for the Baseline Edge software. Mrs. Papile spoke about the
trainings that have taken place to date; she thanked Dr. DeCristofaro, Mr. Mulvey,
Ms. Cox, Principals Hennessy, Shaw, Sylvia, and Gilbert; and Mr. Keith Segalla
for their work over the summer in planning the implementation process. Funding
from DESE provided for the West Ed Consulting agency to assist with
training. Beginning in June 2013, all evaluators (principals, assistant principals,
department heads, directors, coordinators) received 6 hours of training. All staff
have already received their overview training (September 3 for the high schools
and September 10 for the middle and elementary schools). Subsequent trainings
will take place on fall Assessment Days; since school goals and educator goals
must align. Module trainings will be provided to all educators by their principals,
supported by Superintendent’s Leadership Team members and West Ed
training. Multiple trainings are staggered throughout the fall, with the final
training on October 15. Each evaluator will receive 16 hours of training; more
than the 11 hours that was recommended.
Mr. Bregoli asked what percentage of staff will be evaluated. Mr. Mulvey
explained that 50% of building staff as follows: all non-Professional Status staff,
plus Professional Status educators in inverse order of seniority. Mr. Bregoli asked
about subjective vs. objective evaluation; Mr. Mulvey noted that the rubrics give
specifics of what an evaluator should be observing. The evaluatee has the
opportunity during the evidence collection phase to submit artifacts (lesson plans,
bulletin boards, syllabi) to support their performance. Mr Mulvey clarified that at
this time, standardized testing is not part of the evaluation process; that will be
implemented in 2016. Mrs. Lebo also mentioned that samples of student work can
be submitted as evidence to support teacher performance; both the educator and
evaluator can add artifacts to the evidence. Mr. Bregoli asked that the goal is to
improve student performance, not penalize staff members.
Ms. Isola asked if there was an evaluation of the process built into the
implementation. Mr. Mulvey said that a work group would be formed to monitor
the process with the goal of improving the process. The meetings should begin
shortly; a schedule will be published. Mr. Bregoli asked about specialists, Art,
Health, Library, Music, Physical Education; they are considered classroom
teachers and will be evaluated under those rubrics. There is a rubric for Caseload
Educators (Nurses, Guidance) and there is a primary evaluator (Director,
Coordinator) or a principal can be designated as the evaluator. The number of
evaluations are being analyzed to be sure that evaluators are not being
overwhelmed with the volume.
Mrs. Lebo is concerned about the workload for the middle school Principals to
complete these evaluations. Mrs. Mahoney is concerned about the volume of
evaluation and the additional stress on all staff to complete this process. Mr.
Mulvey said that the matrix of assignments will allow for analysis and adjustment.
Ms. Isola noted that we are obligated to absorb this initiative with little or no
additional support from DESE.
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New Business
Organizational Design
Dr. DeCristofaro spoke of the recent reorganization within the Quincy Public Schools
administration, with an emphasis on strengthening focus on Curriculum and Instruction.
The new Curriculum Team, the Student Support strand including Special Education,
and Operations were all strengthened by the reorganization. With the number of federal
and state initiatives that need to be met; all teams are working hard on meeting these
demands. The organizational chart reflects the depth and supervision that will be
beneficial moving forward.
Deputy Superintendent Appointment
Acting Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey was presented as a candidate for
appointment to Deputy Superintendent by Dr. DeCristofaro. Mr. Mulvey has been
with the Quincy Public Schools since 2008, and is an accomplished attorney, former
School Committee member, and team player. His strong work ethic has made him an
invaluable part of the school system.
Mayor Koch made a motion to approve Mr. Mulvey as the Deputy Superintendent
of Schools. He spoke of Kevin's many talents, hard work, and assistance on the
City side on Human Resources and other issues. Mr. Mulvey handled the many
recent contract negotiations with fairness; his parents would be proud of this
Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion. He spoke of Mr. Mulvey as a great colleague
on the School Committee and a solid member of the Superintendent’s Leadership
Team. Mr. McCarthy has had the pleasure to negotiate many contracts in
conjunction with Mr. Mulvey and agrees that this new position strengthens the
school system.
On the motion, Mrs. Mahoney spoke of running for School Committee
simultaneously with Mr. Mulvey and his professionalism. She expressed concern
about workload for all of the members of the Superintendent’s Leadership
Team. Mr. Mulvey’s integrity and belief in school system will benefit all students
and staff.
Mrs. Lebo agreed that Mr. Mulvey is an excellent candidate for Deputy
Superintendent and noted that Quincy Public Schools is not a top-heavy
organization. She is requesting an adjustment to the Organization Chart so that
Mr. Keith Segalla’s position as Executive Director of Informational Technology &
Career and Technical Education is under Curriculum as well as Operations.
Mr. Bregoli complimented Mr. Mulvey's professionalism and integrity and
supports his appointment. Ms. Isola spoke of Mr. Mulvey's analytical approach to
issues, his careful assessment and determination of best course of action. Ms. Isola
agrees with Mrs. Lebo, the Quincy Public Schools budget is not focused on
administration, but in the future, the School Committee needs to consider how to
support the Superintendent’s Leadership Team and the constant stream of new
initiatives at the state and federal level. School Committee must assist in planning
for the future so that education product can be delivered at the same level. Ms.
Isola fully supports Kevin's appointment.
Mayor Koch said that tonight's vote is a vote of support for the Superintendent and
the Leadership Team. He complimented the Superintendent’s Leadership Team
for managing in the lean years and thanked the Superintendent for his lifelong
dedication to education. This is an endorsement of the Superintendent's plan and
the Leadership Team and the work they do every day.
On a roll call vote, the ayes have it 7-0.
Dr. DeCristofaro congratulated Mr. Mulvey and thanked the School Committee for
their support and concerns.
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Mr. Mullaney reviewed the FY2014 budget; the original appropriation from the
Mayor and City Council allowed us to meet contractual obligations for percentage,
step and level raises, additional funding for staffing to keep class size at or below
School Committee guidelines, restoration of Middle School Library Teachers,
technology and supplies; restoration of Middle School extracurricular activities;
and restoration of full Athletic Schedules including Freshman sports.
Mr. Keith Segalla, Ms. Beth Hallett, and Ms. Laura Owens presented on the
orientation and training of the new Elementary School Library Support Teachers.
Ms. Hallett outlined that the 13 teachers attended the Orientation on September 3
which included a discussion of their job expectations, presentations on SPED,
ELL, Literacy, and Technology. On September 4, there was training for Reading
Eggs (Grades K-2) and Study Island (Grades 3-5), followed by an overview of
elementary school library procedures. Library Support Teachers were given an
overview of the library management software and will work with IT staff to update
catalog and patron information with a goal of beginning book checkout by the
beginning of October. Additional Professional Development opportunities will be
scheduled throughout the year, with the first scheduled for October 8.
Ms. Hallett continued with a report on the Middle School Librarians; three were
hired to work with the five middle schools. These new QPS staff members
attended the New Professional Staff Orientation in August and then met as a team
on September 6, 9, and 10. These three days of meetings were focused on creating
a preliminary curriculum map, set team goals and action steps, and topics for
Professional Development. The goals included creating a Library page for the
Quincy Public Schools website and creating a full curriculum map for Grades 5
and 6 students. Mr. Keith Segalla discussed the technology that each librarian will
receive: new desktop computers and scanners and new laptops. Ms. Owens
outlined the process of choosing a new software program for the middle and high
school libraries. Follett’s Destiny program integrates with the new Aspen X2
Student Information System and patron information is seamlessly imported. QPS
is working with Follett to convert the existing library catalog data, with training
tentatively scheduled for the end of September. Other features of the software
include integration with FollettShelf which is the eBook management system and
parent/student access to website, catalog and account information. Given the cost
of implementation, the middle and high schools will be upgraded this year, at a
total cost of $20,000 for the seven sites. There is a yearly maintenance fee of
approximately $350 per site.
Mrs. Mahoney complimented the integration of library services into the Aspen X2
system and asked for clarification of parent and student ability to access
information from home. Through the technology, we are building a community
where parents can be more involved with their children’s school day. Mrs. Lebo is
very enthusiastic about tonight’s presentation; she sees the librarian role (1) to
instill a love of reading (2) instructional partner to the content-area teacher; (3) to
build reading research and digital literacy. Feels that Ms. Hallett’s involvement in
the Library Teacher structure is important; would like Benchmarks for student
achievement to be part of the Library Program Improvement Plan, specifically for
Grade 6. Mrs. Lebo asked about flexibility in the Library Teacher schedules so
there would be the opportunity for before or after school time in the library. Dr.
DeCristofaro spoke of surveying parents. Mrs. Lebo thinks the Library page on
the website is a great idea and suggested the Library Teachers focus on providing
information to parents on Internet safety and citizenship. She also asked about
connections to the High School librarians and Elementary Library Support
Teachers. Ms. Hallett said there would be shared Professional Development and
possibly a Vertical Team.
Mr. McCarthy complimented the re-energizing of the position with the curriculum
plan and technology support and opportunities for professional development.
Dr. DeCristofaro then moved on to the new High School Athletic Directors, Mr.
Mullaney has been working with them on establishing a budget and they have met
with IT staff members about the technology available to them. Both Athletic
Directors are collaborating on a Handbook and updating the QPS Website. The
Athletic Directors will be introduced at the October 9 School Committee meeting.
Mr. Draicchio then presented on the Security Upgrades and reviewed the updated
spreadsheet shared with the School Committee. Most schools have new door locks
(1600 interior locks), access control devices for Lincoln Hancock and ECC; photo
identification for all staff; visitors and substitutes identification has also been
completed. Access control is almost completed for all schools; intercoms have
also been installed and additional security cameras. Phase 2 will be the installation
of lock boxes for Quincy Police Department access to all school buildings.
Mrs. Lebo thanked the Mayor and City Council for the budget appropriation; this
will make families feel secure. She also thanked Mr. Draicchio and Mr. Kevin
Segalla for the enormous effort to get all of these security upgrades completed
during the summer months. Mr. Bregoli asked for the protocol when multiple
visitors arrive at the school at the same time; Mr. Draicchio confirmed that the
protocol is to ask each visitor to identify themselves outside the school
building. Mr. Bregoli asked if the NQHS lobby issues have been addressed; the
doors are now locked and visitors need to be admitted.
Mrs. Hubley asked and received confirmation that all of these same measures will
be in place when the new Central opens. Mrs. Mahoney asked about Lincoln
Hancock and Mr. Draicchio confirmed that there are buzzers with security cameras
on all sides of the building and that all classrooms citywide have intercom access
to their school office.
Mr. McCarthy noted that he has recently visited three schools and was very
pleased with all the work that has been done. The work was done collaboratively
and we remain on the forefront of school security in the region. Ms. Isola asked
whether we hold a license or other id in exchange for visitor lanyard; we do not
currently do this. She agreed that this is a huge accomplishment; Quincy is
definitely ahead of neighboring cities and towns.
Mr. Draicchio thanked Mr. Kevin Segalla, Mr. Kevin Murphy, Mr. Keith Segalla,
Mr. Bob Cavallo, and City IT for their collaboration and assistance in getting the
security upgrades done over the summer.
Mr. Draicchio then thanked the Quincy Police Department for continuing to
provide Traffic Supervisors, DARE Officers, and School Resource Officers (now
three positions). QPS is also very fortunate for the partnership and the grants from
the Norfolk County District Attorney and Sheriff's Offices.
Dr. DeCristofaro then reviewed the recent $400,000 appropriation approved by the
City Council. The Superintendent’s recommendations for this supplemental
budget include $200,000 for expanding the Central Middle School Library Teacher
to a full-time position; restoring the two Health Intervention positions at the high
schools; adding an Academic Classroom Teacher for Kindergarten enrollment at
Lincoln Hancock; and adding two health aides to be divided between Lincoln
Hancock, Clifford Marshall, and Central. The additional $200,000 would restore
the Text and Learning funding that was moved during last spring's budget process.
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to accept the Superintendent's supplementatl budget
recommendations; Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion. On the motion, Mrs.
Mahoney thanked Governor Patrick for the additional funding from Chapter
70. She is happy to see the Health positions restored. She wonders whether this is
too early to appropriate all of the money, in case there are class size issues that
need to be addressed at a later date.
Mr. Bregoli thanked the Superintendent and Mayor for supporting the restoration
of the Health Interventionist positions. Mrs. Lebo thanked the Superintendent for
the additional time for the Central Middle School librarian. Mrs. Lebo asked if it
was possible that the Health Interventionists be male and female and collaborate
across both high schools. Mrs. Mahoney asked for consideration that the Central
Library Teacher work with the high school and middle school librarians in a
leadership role.
On a roll call vote, the ayes have it, 7-0.
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Overnight Travel
Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the overnight travel of the North Quincy High
School AFJROTC to Camp Edwards in Bourne, Massachusetts September 25,
2013 through September 29, 2013. Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion and on a voice
vote, the ayes have it.
Additional Business
Mr. McCarthy noted that the Solar Array Installation is in Facilities & Security
Subcommittee. He will touch base on the issue with the Mayor and schedule this
as an agenda item for an upcoming Subcommittee meeting.
Mr. McCarthy also noted that the Presidents City Inn next to the new Central
Middle School site has been vacated for renovation. He would like to have the
owner and his attorney present to School Committee on the updated renovation
plan. Mr. Bregoli requested updated information on police activity at the
Presidents' City Inn. Mrs. Mahoney expressed disappointment that the President's
City Inn has continued to be an issue in the community after the owner promised
Mr. Bregoli made a motion to move the request to name the computer laboratory at
Atherton Hough after William B. Dunn Jr. to the Policy Subcommittee. Mr.
McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
Mayor Koch mentioned that $500,000 will be appropriated to address HVAC
issues at North Quincy High School. Mr. Cunniff will be in touch with
Superintendent DeCristofaro and Principal Shaw about the extent and schedule of
the work to be done.
Mrs. Mahoney noted that at tonight's Quincy High Boys School soccer game (a 4-1
victory), Principal Taglieri was present and also retired Principal Santoro.
Mr. McCarthy thanked Mr. Murphy for the extensive list of project completed by
Public Buildings/Maintenance over the summer.
Ms. Isola mentioned the Atlantic Middle School Young Writers Literary Magazine
shared with the School Committee this summer and the quality of the writing.
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Executive Session
Mrs. Lebo made a motion for the School Committee to adjourn to Executive Session
at 9:55 pm. Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have
it 7-0. Ms. Isola noted that the School Committee would be returning after Executive
Dr. DeCristofaro thanked the Superintendent’s Leadership Team and congratulated
Mr. Mulvey on his appointment as Deputy Superintendent.
- - -
The School Committee returned from Executive Session at 10:10 pm.
Approval of MOA Between Quincy School Committee and QEA Unit C
Mr. McCarthy made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding
between the Quincy School Committee and the Quincy Education Association,
Unit C. The motion was seconded by Mayor Koch and on a roll call vote, the
ayes have it 7-0.
Approval of MOA Between Quincy School Committee and QPS Custodians, Unit B
Mr. McCarthy made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding
between the Quincy School Committee and the Quincy Public Schools Custodial
Association, Unit B. The motion was seconded by Mayor Koch and on a roll call
vote, the ayes have it 7-0.
Approval of MOA Quincy School Committee and QEA For Model Contract
Mrs. Lebo made a motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between
the Quincy School Committee and the Quincy Education Association for the Between
Model Contract Language for Educator Evaluation. The motion was seconded by
Mayor Koch and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 7-0.
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Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn at 10:15 p.m. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Bregoli and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.