Feb. 9, 2011 Budget Sub Meeting


Budget Subcommittee
February 9, 2011

A Budget Subcommittee meeting was held on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the Lloyd Hill Auditorium, Quincy High School. Present were: Ms. Isola, Mr. McCarthy, Mrs. Bragg, Mayor Koch and Mrs. Mahoney, Chair. Also present were: Dr. DeCristofaro, Mr. Mullaney, Ms. Colleen Roberts and Mrs. Burrelli, Clerk.

Mr. Mullaney reviewed the Quarterly Budget Report for the months ending December 31, 2010 -- the second period in the school year.

Academic Classroom Teachers and Academic programs: These lines are where they should be at this time. There is enough money in the longevity line which should be available to offset other lines. Mr. Mullaney explained that the Lexington Plan is gone. This is used to pay off the sick days when teachers leave. He anticipates 15 retires this year.

Academic Support: Mr. Mullaney expects a deficit in the line for substitutes.

Non Academic Support: The areas of concern are the aides line and the drivers line. Maintenance still has men out on Workers Comp. All ARRA positions are in place. Mrs. Bragg inquired about replacing the Maintenance men on Workers Comp. or using temporary maintenance men. Mr. Mullaney answered that we are looking, but no one wants this job part time. Mrs. Bragg said that this number is never filled. We always have people on Workers Comp. There are 16 full time maintenance persons that rotate.

There should be some deficit in the clerical line in schools.

Academic Expenses: Of real concern is the Special Education Tuition line due to out placement of students. This is always a line of great concern. The remaining deficit from the transfer of $1 million from the Circuit Breaker four years ago will have to be made up some time this year. We can no longer carry a deficit in this account. Mrs. Bragg questioned why the Professional Development line is high. Mr. Mullaney answered that we are still using grant money first.

Non Academic Support: Although it is still early in the season, there may be a deficit in natural gas and the electricity line. The transportation line is within our budget. However, we will need to replace some of our fleet as our buses are aging. Our expense side is doing fairly well at this time. We should be able to balance our budget till the end of the year.

Ms. Isola asked why there seems to be money left in the Library Books line. Mr. Mullaney said the schools use their allocations at the beginning of the year. The curriculum reserve is used to get out new pilot programs. There are plans to spend that money in May or April. This is when you would get a good deal. The libraries at North Quincy and Quincy High have purchases of new books.

Mr. Mullaney added we made a $70,000 cut from the vehicles line. We collected only $40,000 with fees. We may have to come forward for a transfer.

Rentals there is $60,000 more in revenues based on what we have so far. Last year we took $160,000 out of custodial line. If the price for rentals keeps going up not everyone will be able to afford to use our facilities. We anticipate $50,000 short at the end of the year.

Mr. McCarthy asked for an overview of how the user fees are coming in? Mr. Mullaney said that Athletics is slightly less than we anticipated.

On a motion by Mr. McCarthy seconded by Mrs. Bragg, the Committee approved the Quarterly Budget. The ayes have it. This meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.