Quincy School Committee
Budget & Finance Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, November 9, 2015
A meeting of the Budget & Finance Subcommittee was held on Monday, November 9, 2015 at 5:00
pm in the Coddington Building. Present were Mr. Bregoli, Mr. DiBona, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mayor
Thomas Koch, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. David McCarthy, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Chair. Also
attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Ms. Beth Hallett, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey,
Mrs. Maura Papile, Mrs. Erin Perkins, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Ms. Judy Todd; Citywide
Parent Council Co-President Paula Reynolds; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Mrs. Hubley called the Budget & Finance Subcommittee meeting to order at 5:45 pm. Director of
Business James Mullaney presented the Quarterly Budget Review for the first quarter of FY2016. This
year’s budget appropriation covers all contractual obligations and allows for upcoming step and level
raises. The FY2016 has 43 new positions, increases in classroom and program teachers, and aides for
Special Education and Kindergarten.
As of September 30, salary expenditures for Academic Classrooms, Academic Programs, and
Academic Support are all on target. Academic expense expenditures are at the usual levels, most
textbook and supply expenditures take place over the summer in anticipation of the new school year.
Funding for Special Education tuition has additional funding due to a $170,000 increase in Circuit
Breaker funding from the state, which will cover anticipated additional tuitions as the school year
Non-Academic expense expenditures reflect encumbering of funds for utilities. Repairs for buses
take place in summer. With the installation of the new heating system, Bernazzani was converted to
natural gas, so a transfer of funds from the heating oil to the natural gas budget line will be needed
later in the year.
In September, we learned that the Full-Day Kindergarten grant was partly restored at $250,000.
Since the Mayor’s original budget appropriation funded the Kindergarten aide salaries, there is
additional funding available for one-time investment in technology purchases.
Mr. Mullaney also shared a staffing reconciliation: there is an additional ELA teacher at Central, 0.5
Technology positions at each of Central and Atlantic, a Science position at Quincy High School was
increased by 0.5, along with an increased 0.5 each for Art and Music. There was a reduction in ROTC
staff at NQHS due to retirement. Mrs. Hubley asked about filling the ROTC position; the Air Force
must supply someone to replace the retired instructor.
Mr. McCarthy made a motion to approve the Quarterly Budget Review as presented. Mr. DiBona
seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.
The next item on the agenda relates to the additional funding available as a result of the partiallyrestored Full-Day Kindergarten grant. Following the Mayor’s suggestion to focus on one-time
investment in Technology, Mr. Segalla, Ms. Roy, and Mrs. Perkins have been working with Principals
and Digital Learning Teams on assessing where schools are in terms of technology and areas of
potential growth.
Interactive whiteboards, short throw projectors, and mobile laptop carts seem to be the three areas
of impact that will assist the most students. Teachers can access online resources attached to
purchased curriculum, along with many other online resources; create and administer assessments,
and share sites that can be used at home. Technology also is increasing student collaboration and
creativity. This investment will help us go further to engage students and teachers.
Mrs. Perkins reviewed some of the technology currently in use. In many classrooms, a tabletop
projector is paired with a laptop to access online resources, but there are cords and other physical
limitations. Short throw projectors are installed on the wall above the whiteboard and hard wired, so
there are no cables. The teacher’s laptop or computer can be anywhere in the room.
Interactive whiteboards are a tool for classrooms to allow students to interact with their learning,
increase engagement through tactile learning. Mrs. Perkins shared a short video of Kindergarten
Mathematics instruction at Clifford Marshall. Several companies have come in to present product
options to members of the Curriculum & Assessment, Digital Learning, and Principal teams. Team
developed a common question matrix for each vendor.
A proposal to equip 80 classrooms at the elementary (55), middle school (15), and high school level
(10 for NQHS) was shared with School Committee. Cost proposals will be submitted from all vendors
including equipment and installation. Ms. Roy said potential impact is for 4,200 students in these 80
classrooms. Partnership between schools and PTOs has been instrumental in building the current
classroom technology, along with the QPS budget, the School Community Partnership, and Comcast
funding and grant opportunities.
Mr. Bregoli asked about the needs assessment process. Ms. Roy said the Digital Learning Team and
Technology Planning & Training Team, Principal Teams surveyed schools. All elementary school
equipment has been thoroughly documented at the classroom level. Needs vary by school, PTOs
have been very supportive. Ms. Roy said the level of data will allow us to easily plan for future needs.
Mr. Bregoli asked about North Quincy High School, Mr. Segalla said 45 classrooms are not equipped
with whiteboards and short throws. This funding will allow for 10 classrooms to be upgraded. In contrast, all classrooms at Quincy High School have interactive whiteboards and short throw
Mrs. Mahoney asked if the middle school allocation is for Atlantic, Broad Meadows, and Point
Webster. Ms. Roy said Central is fully outfitted with interactive whiteboards and short throw
projectors and the expectation is that the new Sterling Middle School will also receive new
technology. In the short term, Sterling Middle School teachers have whiteboards and tabletop
Mrs. Mahoney asked about the time frame for implementation. Mr. Segalla said that January is the
target. Mrs. Mahoney asked about the breakdown of the equipment distribution at the elementary
level. Mrs. Perkins said the goal is to outfit an average of five classrooms per school. There will be a
balance, schools that already have equipment may get less.
Mrs. Perkins said that one possibility is to ensure that all Grade 4-5 classrooms have parallel
equipment. Mrs. Mahoney said that this technology integration should be carefully planned, would
like a follow up on the final plan. Mrs. Mahoney said this is very exciting opportunity. Mrs. Perkins
said the principals are thrilled with the potential, teachers are using this technology.
Ms. Isola asked about the equipment and how long will it be state of the art. Mr. Segalla said 6-8
years. Mrs. Perkins said that especially the ultra short throws, this technology is expected to remain
relevant for some time.
Ms. Isola thanked the Mayor Koch for the appropriation.
The technology appropriation will appear on the School Committee Agenda for final consideration
and funding transfer.
Mr. Bregoli made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 pm. Mrs. Mahoney seconded the motion
and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.