Budget and Finance Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, February 27, 2012
A meeting of the Budget and Finance Subcommittee was held on Monday, February 27, 2012 at 4:30
pm in the 2
nd Floor Conference Room at the NAGE Building. Present were Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs.
Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. David McCarthy, Ms. Barbara Isola Chair.
Also attending were Superintendent DeCristofaro, Mr. Kevin Mulvey, Mr. Jim Mullaney, Ms. Allison
Cox, President, Quincy Educator’s Association, and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Ms. Isola called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The first item on the agenda was the Budget Status Report .
Mr. Mullaney reported that as of January 31, 2012, the salary budget is on track with 62% of the budget still to
be spent. Anticipated retirements for June 2012 are between ten and fifteen teachers and administrators.
Academic Programs are also in line with budget projections.
For Academic Support and Non-Academic Support, deficits and surpluses in individual line items balance with a
net deficit of $23,537. One significant variance is in the Overtime line of Non-Academic Support which is
$207,584 over budget for custodial and bus drivers (contractual for some SPED routes). Special Education
Tuition and Transportation have the potential for surplus or deficit depending on further outside placements in
this school year.
The next item on the agenda was Revolving Accounts for School Lunches, Athletics, Transportation, and
Building Rentals. School Lunches are self-supporting with the exception of Lunch Attendants salaries.
Anticipating an $86,000 surplus at year’s end for this account; Mrs. Morrissey would like to continue to
upgrade the POS systems at remaining schools. Under Athletics, we are projecting a loss of $21,000 for end of
year; hardship waivers for athletic fees are on the rise. Transportation Fees are collected for transporting
students within 2 miles of schools, plus rentals for outside groups, field trips, athletic events. There is a
projected $10,000 deficit for the year for this account. Building Rentals are projecting a $100,000 surplus
which may be used to cover utility line item deficits as needed. Mrs. Lebo requested clarification on the state
laws administering revolving accounts and this will be provided.
Mrs. Isola suggested that the Professional Development Quarterly Report be referred to Teaching and Learning
Subcommittee for review.
Mrs. Isola then spoke to the issue of School Committee members who are not on the subcommittee technically
are not allowed to speak at Subcommittee meetings. She suggested adding all School Committee members to
this Subcommittee. Mrs. Lebo made a motion to add Mr. Bregoli, Mrs. Hubley, Mayor Koch, and Mr. McCarthy
to the Budget and Finance Subcommittee, and Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion. On a roll call vote, the ayes
have it. Mayor Koch was absent.
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:00 pm and Mrs. Lebo seconded the motion. On a
voice vote, the ayes have it.