Quincy School Committee
Policy Subcommittee Meeting ~ Wednesday, August 26, 2020
A meeting of the Policy Subcommittee was held on Wednesday, August 26 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Present were Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Doug Gutro, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mr. Paul Bregoli, Chair. Also present were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Ms. Rita Bailey, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Ms. Maura Papile, Ms. Erin Perkins, Ms. Madeline Roy and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.
Superintendent Kevin Mulvey reviewed that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and Massachusetts Department of Public Health guidelines for school bus transportation have been reviewed and as a consequence of the reduced capacity, Quincy Public Schools’ ability to transport students living between one and a half and two miles from their schools has been negatively impacted.
Mr. Draicchio said that most local school districts provide school bus transportation for students who live two miles or more from their schools.
Mr. Andronico asked how many families would be impacted by this Policy change. Mr. Draicchio said that under regular in-person instructional model, approximately 500 of the 575 students that were transported live between one and a half and two miles from their neighborhood district school and would not be transported.
Mrs. Lebo asked where the affected families live, Mr. Draicchio said all six elementary schools with transportation would be affected: Bernazzani, Merrymount, Montclair, Clifford Marshall, Lincoln Hancock, Squantum as some have multiple bus routes.
Mrs. Hubley asked if families have extreme hardship, could there be an exception. Mr. Draicchio said the Transportation Department will work with families to assist them whenever possible.
Mr. Santoro asked if the students entering school under the hybrid model on September 16 can be accommodated with the current number of drivers. Mr. Draicchio said that he and Mr. Mullaney are working on this analysis.
Mrs. Lebo asked how the families will be notified, Mr. Mulvey said that each parent will be called and a confirming email sent out.
Mrs. Lebo asked if the revised Policy is reflected in the document sent to School Committee. Mr. Mulvey said that those changes would be made to the Policy following a motion to adjust the mileage eligibility for transportation from 1.5 to 2 miles.
Mr. Andronico made a motion to amend School Committee Policy 5.5.1 through 5.5.6 to transport students living two miles or more from their neighborhood school. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 3-0. (Mr. Andronico, Mr. Bregoli, and Mrs. Hubley are the Policy Subcommittee members.)
The Policy revision will move to the full School Committee for discussion at tonight’s meeting.
Mr. Mulvey reviewed the suggested addendum to the School Committee Homework Policy 9.11.1 for the period of Hybrid & Remote Learning; the language presented was suggested by the QPS Fall 2020 Re-Entry Task Force.
Mrs. Lebo suggested that language about no homework on weekends be amended to exclude AP or Dual Enrollment classes.
Mr. Santoro asked about the percentage that homework will count toward a grade, Mr. Mulvey said that was not discussed.
Mr. Andronico made a motion to approve the addendum to the School Committee Policy 9.11.1 Homework for Hybrid & Remote Learning, as amended. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 3-0. (Mr. Andronico, Mr. Bregoli, and Mrs. Hubley are the Policy Subcommittee members.)
Mr. Mulvey reviewed the suggestion to add an addendum to the Communicable Diseases Policy to cover wearing masks for students in all grades. The provision for students wearing face shields was removed as this was not deemed acceptable by the Health Department.
Mrs. Lebo asked about the masks being subject to the dress code; Mr. Mulvey added language to cover this.
Mr. Santoro asked if the Policy addendum can be rescinded once no longer required and Mr. Mulvey confirmed.
Mrs. Lebo asked if Health Commissioner Jones approved washing masks twice per week and Mr. Mulvey confirmed.
Mr. Andronico made a motion to approve the addendum to the School Committee Policy 10.11.3 Communicable Diseases as presented. Mrs. Hubley seconded the motion and on a roll call vote, the ayes have it 3-0. (Mr. Andronico, Mr. Bregoli, and Mrs. Hubley are the Policy Subcommittee members.)
Mrs. Hubley made a motion to adjourn the Policy Subcommittee meeting at 5:50 pm. Mr. Andronico seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.