Dec. 9, 2020 Athletics Sub Meeting


Quincy School Committee

Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee

**This meeting is a Committee of the Whole**

Mr. Doug Gutro, Athletics & Wellness Chair
Mr. Anthony Andronico & Mrs. Emily Lebo, Subcommittee Members

Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 5:30 pm
via Zoom

Per Governor Baker’s order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A sec. 20, the public will not be allowed to physically access this School Committee meeting. Members of the Public can access the meeting audio live on QATV Channel 22 or at The meeting will also be recorded for rebroadcast and posted on the QPS SchoolTube website on Friday, December 11, 2020.

  1. Fall 2020 Athletics Update - Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Niamkey

  2. Winter 2020-21 Athletics Overview - Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Niamkey


Quincy School Committee

Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee Meeting ~ Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A joint meeting of the Athletics & Wellness and Policy Subcommittees was held on Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Present were Mr. Anthony Andronico, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Mrs. Emily Lebo, Mr. Frank Santoro, and Mr. Doug Gutro (Athletics & Wellness Chair). Also attending were Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Assistant Superintendent Erin Perkins, Ms. Rita Bailey, Ms. Julie Graham, Mr. Kevin Mahoney, Mr. Jean-Jacques Niamkey, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri; Quincy Education Association President Sean Greene; and Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk.

Quincy High School Athletic Director Kevin Mahoney reviewed the Fall 2020 Athletics Season, given the challenges, overall a very successful season. Thanks to the coaches for implementing the protocols and the rule changes. Quincy High School participation was consistent with previous years, ten players were recognized by the Patriot League, and the Girls Volleyball was undefeated in league play this past season and won the Patriot Cup. North Quincy High School Athletic Director JJ Niamkey agreed that the coaches were great and the support of the nurses and the Quincy Health Department was important to the success of the season. Seven NQHS students were Patriot League All-Stars. Mr. Niamkey said that despite the academic enrollment, there were increases in Athletic participation especially for soccer. At both high schools, some Football players tried out new sports for the Fall season.

Mr. Andronico thanked the Athletic Directors and the Fall coaches for their successful implementation of the safety guidelines and rule changes.

Mrs. Lebo agreed and noted that many of the athletes were remote students. Mr. Mahoney said that since the school year started off remote, there were concerns about practices and games, but there was no issue as parents transported their students.

Mr. Bregoli asked how many games each sport played. Mr. Mahoney said that each Quincy High School team played eleven games and any teams that qualified for the Patriot Cup played additional games in the single or double-elimination tournament.

Mr. Bregoli asked about the two weeks that North Quincy High School went to remote, not all teams were able to play their full schedule. Mr. Niamkey said games were rescheduled to the extent possible, the students were happy to be back on the field but there were field conflicts and timing.

Mr. Bregoli asked about COVID-19 transmission between players, there were no issues with North Quincy High School and Quincy High School. The Quincy High School freshman volleyball team had a positive player but there was no transmission in school or on the team. Mr. Bregoli is concerned about players declining to play sports this winter due to concerns about transmission. Mr. Niamkey said that registration levels are consistent with previous years.

Mr. Bregoli asked about prorating the Athletics Fee since the schedule is shorter. Mr. Niamkey said that the user fee is not a per game cost, there are fixed costs associated with running the Athletics programs.

Mr. Gutro thanked the Athletic Directors and the coaches and the students for their participation and flexibility. Mr. Gutro said the end of season events for students and parents have been well-done in a virtual way.

The next item on the agenda was an overview of Winter Athletics. Mr. Mahoney said that this presentation is based on the guidance for Phase III, Step 2 and now that the state has moved back to Step 1, there may be new guidance released from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs (EEA). The EEA defines sports as “lower risk” (sports or activities that can be done individually); “moderate risk” (sports or activities that involve intermittent close proximity); and “higher risk” (sports or activities with a requirement or substantial likelihood of routine or sustained proximity). Winter sports that are approved for this year are Basketball, Ice Hockey, Swimming & Diving. Wrestling and Indoor Track & Field have been deferred to the Fall II season, along with Competitive Cheer.

All players, coaches, spectators, staff, and referees are required to wear face coverings. Records must be kept of all individuals present at team activities and social distancing between players observed. Indoor practice participants are capped at 25 on a single playing surface; additional groups can be added provided there is group separation. Locker room usage is limited for changing at the school sites; Quincy Youth Arena is requiring players arrive at the rink fully dressed except for skates. For spectators, no more than 50 are allowed (under 50% capacity) as long as six feet of distance at all times. Quincy Public Schools will issue two lanyards to each player’s parents and the Patriot League voted to allow only home fans at basketball games. Both schools are looking at upgrading streaming capabilities for broadcasting games. Swimming will be virtual meets with no spectators, Quincy Public Schools will swim at the South Shore YMCA.

Sports-specific modifications were reviewed for Basketball (halftime eliminated; game day roster limited to 15; no more than three coaches on the bench; jump ball replaced by coin toss; free throws limited to shooter and two defensive players; no crowding on the inbound play; no concession stands or cheerleaders; assigned seating for bench area); Hockey (rosters limited to 20 players; six feet between players on the bench; only one player in the penalty box at a time; faceoffs will be called in from 6-feet distance; only one player from each team in a scrum along the boards or play will be stopped); and Swimming (wear masks until on starting block); relay swimmers will be spaced 3-6 feet apart from each other in lanes; no cheering on the pool deck; modifications to timing mechanics).

As with Fall Athletics, there are no MIAA post-season tournaments planned. There is hope to continue the Patriot Cup format into Winter Athletics. Winter scheduled will be league-based or within the geographic region to limit travel.

The Athletic Directors concluded their presentations by reviewing the preliminary teams planned for the Winter Athletics, both schools will have Varsity, JV, and Freshman Boys Basketball; Varsity and JV Girls Basketball; Varsity and JV Boys Ice Hockey; Varsity Girls Hockey (Collaborative Team); Varsity Boys & Girls Swimming & Diving (Collaborative Team).

Mr. Bregoli asked about mask wearing compliance, Mr. Niamkey said there were no issues during the Fall season. Mr. Bregoli asked about the Spring Athletics season extending beyond the end of the school year; parents will be notified of this. Mr. Bregoli concerned about parents not being able to attend away games, Mr. Niamkey said that all Patriot League teams are providing live stream access.

Mr. Bregoli would like to discuss boycotting Nike products; Mr. Mulvey said this can be researched.

Mr. Santoro thanked the presenters and asked for clarification about the streaming service from Quincy Youth Arena, it is called LivedBarn. Mr. Santoro suggested that the Broadcasting students become involved and broadcast games as well.

Mr. Gutro asked for clarification about livestreaming for Winter Athletics. Mr. Niamkey confirmed that the goal is to have a consistent livestream for all games; in the Fall, Facebook Live was utilized. Going forward, utilizing HUDL would allow access through YouTube. Mr. Gutro asked about spectators, parents are informed ahead of time that there is limited access. Parents are informed through the website, Aspen emails, and social media.

Mr. Bregoli asked about a Zoom meeting for Winter Athletics parents for each high school, similar to the in-person meetings traditionally held. Mr. Niamkey and Mr. Mahoney are planning to hold these, they did the same in the fall.

Mrs. Lebo made a motion to adjourn the Athletics & Wellness Subcommittee meeting at 6:30 pm. Mr. Andronico seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.