May 21, 2014 School Committee Meeting


Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee
Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 7:00 pm
Central Middle School Auditorium

I. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes for May 7, 2014

II. Open Forum: An opportunity for community input regarding the Quincy Public Schools. After giving his or her name and address, each speaker may make a presentation of no more than four minutes to the School Committee. An individual may not exchange their time or yield to others.

III. Superintendent’s Report:

A. Inspiring Quincy

B. National Honor Society Recognitions

C. Summer Scene 2014

D. Presidents Cup Middle School Robotics Event

E. Spring Concert Update

F. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk, May 31

G. South Shore Educational Collaborative (Vote Needed)

H. Home-School Connections: Monthly Newsletters from Atherton Hough, Bernazzani, and Wollaston Elementary School; Curriculum Newsletter from Squantum Elementary School

IV. Old Business:

A. Policy Update: Vote on Athletic Eligibility - Mr. Bregoli

V. New Business:

A. Park Department: School Grounds Update - Mr. Cassani

B. Public Buildings/Maintenance Department Update - Mr. Cunniff, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Murphy

C. Quincy Public Schools FY2015 Budget Overview - Dr. DeCristofaro, Mr. Mullaney

D. Gift: Respiratory Care Supplies valued at $1,900.00 donated by the Alliance for Respiratory Care

E. Overnight Travel: North Quincy High School AFJROTC to Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch, New Hampshire June 24-26, 2014.

F. Out of State Travel: F.W. Parker Elementary School Grade 5 students to Canobie Lake Park, Windham, New Hampshire on June 11, 2014.

VI. Additional Business:

VII. Communications:

VIII. Reports of Subcommittees: 

A. Special Education Subcommittee: Mrs. Mahoney to report on the May 14, 2014 meeting.

B. Budget & Finance Subcommittee: Mrs. Hubley to report on the May 15, 2014 and May 20, 2014 meetings.

IX. Executive Session: None

X. Adjournment:

Subcommittees of the School Committee

Budget & Finance
Hubley/Bregoli, DiBona, Isola, Koch, Mahoney, McCarthy

Facilities & Security


  1. Sterling Building Plans Referred to Subcommittee by the School Building Task Force in 1998.

  2. Coddington Hall Referred to Subcommittee at the May 18, 2011 School Committee Meeting. The City of Quincy has appropriated funds to refurbish Coddington Hall to serve as the Quincy Public Schools administrative offices. Wessling Architects has completed the design phase of the project and construction is underway as of June 2013.

  3. Houses on Saville Avenue Referred to Subcommittee at the May 18, 2011 School Committee Meeting. Currently home to the City’s Public Building department, the School Committee and Superintendent see no future educational uses for these properties.

  4. President’s City Inn Referred to Subcommittee at the October 10, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Safety concerns have been expressed about this property that abuts the new Central Middle School. Current construction plans were reviewed at the March 18, 2014 Subcommittee Meeting.

  5. School Lobby Security Controls Referred to Subcommittee at the January 23, 2013 School Committee Meeting. Review of existing visitor protocols, with special consideration of current high school policies and discussion of enhancements moving forward for all schools.

  6. Solar Array Installation on School Roofs Referred to Subcommittee at the June 12, 2013 School Committee Meeting for further review and discussion. Reviewed at the March 4, 2014 Subcommittee Meeting.

  7. Heating Audit Referred at the November 13, 2013 Subcommittee meeting. Heating issues at all schools to be reviewed and prioritized with Public Buildings/Maintenance departments. Reviewed at the March 4, 2014 Subcommittee Meeting.

  8. North Quincy High School Campus Expansion/Teal Field Project Referred at the January 22, 2014 School Committee Meeting. A presentation on the proposed enhancements will be scheduled.

  9. Atlantic Middle School Parking Lot and Traffic Improvements Referred at the January 22, 2014 School Committee Meeting. A presentation of the proposed enhancements will be scheduled

Health, Transportation & Safety

  1. School Meal Charges Referred to Subcommittee at the March 21, 2012 School Committee Meeting. New state and federal regulations require formalization of the school meal charges policy.

  2. Science Lab Safety: Referred from the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee at the April 2, 2012 meeting. Monitoring of supplies will be handled by School Safety Teams

  3. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Referred to Subcommittee at the September 24, 2012 Special School Committee Meeting. Student Support Services working with Lincoln Hancock, Clifford Marshall, and Parker Elementary Schools on piloting this initiative.

  4. Traffic Concerns at North Quincy High School Referred to Subcommittee at the March 5, 2014 School Committee Meeting. Parent concerns about East Squantum Street crosswalk/parking lot entrance


  1. Graduation Requirements Referred to Subcommittee at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and discussed at the October 11, 2011 School Policy Subcommittee. The discussion centered around adding a fourth year of Math as a graduation requirement; the issue is tabled until more is known about the impact of the new Common Core Standards on the Massachusetts frameworks.

  2. New Educator Evaluations Referred at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and shared with the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee. Further discussion will be held in joint Subcommittee Meetings and Executive Session as it pertains to collective bargaining.

  3. High School Community Service Referred to Subcommittee at the December 14, 2011 School Committee Meeting. Pilot program for Grades 10 and 11 was completed in the 2012-2013 school year. The pilot program was extended to the 2013-2014 school year for grades 11 and 12.

  4. Adding CPR as a Graduation Requirement Referred to Subcommittee at the March 21, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Review and discussion of existing policy requested.

  5. Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities Referred at the June 13, 2012 School Committee Meeting. Review and discussion of amending the existing policy requested to explore the possibility of raising revenue by accepting advertising sponsorships.

  6. Extracurricular Eligibility Referred at the March 25, 2013 Ad Hoc Athletics Rules Subcommittee. Review and discussion of the existing policy and consideration of increasing the requirements.

  7. Residency Referred at the September 18, 2013 Special School Committee Meeting. Review of existing policy and expansion to include additional information on verification process.

  8. Review of High School Academic and Extracurricular Programs Referred at the November 13, 2013 School Committee Meeting. A comparison of the offerings at both schools to be analyzed to ensure equitable and parallel opportunities for all students at both facilities.  

Special Education

  1. Student Information for Substitute Teachers Originally referred to Subcommittee at the January 17, 2007 School Committee Meeting. At the Special Education Subcommittee meeting on October 16, 2013, it was agreed that the new Aspen Student Information System Special Education module reports will be utilized to share information with substitute teachers about IEPs, 504 plans, and accommodations. Projected implementation is by September 2014.

  2. Special Education Program Assessment Referred to Subcommittee at the January 28, 2012 Special School Committee Meeting. This will be an ongoing discussion of the curriculum initiatives for Special Education.

Rules, Post Audit & Oversight

Teaching and Learning

  1. New Educator Evaluations Referred at the September 7, 2011 School Committee Meeting and shared with the School Policy Subcommittee. The 2013-2014 school year is the first year of the new Educator Evaluation process and a collaboration will continue between the School Committee, Superintendent’s Leadership Team, and the Quincy Education Association around issues related to the implementation.

  2. Media Specialists in Elementary and Middle Schools Referred at the January 23, 2012 School Committee Meeting. The Citywide Parents’ Council presented a signed petition representing the request to restore these positions. Three Middle School Library Teacher positions were added in the FY2014 budget, as well as thirteen Library Support Teachers for the Elementary Schools.

Ad Hoc Committees:

Channel 22

Created at the October 27, 2007 School Committee meeting to encourage the greater use of Channel 22 across Quincy Public Schools.

Sterling Building Committee

Music Programs

Created at the January 22, 2014 School Committee Meeting to evaluate the current Instrumental/Band Program at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.


Quincy, Massachusetts – May 21, 2014
Regular Meeting of the Quincy School Committee

Regular Meeting

A regular meeting of the Quincy School Committee was held on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 in the Central Middle School Auditorium. Present were Mayor Thomas Koch, Mr. Paul Bregoli, Mr. Noel DiBona, Ms. Barbara Isola, Mrs. Anne Mahoney, Mr. David McCarthy, and Mrs. Kathryn Hubley, Vice Chair.

Vice-Chair Presiding

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The Superintendent called the roll and all were present. Also present were: Dr. Richard DeCristofaro, Secretary; Ms. Laura Owens, Clerk; Mr. Christopher Cassani, Mr. Michael Connor, Mr. Gary Cunniff, Mr. Michael Draicchio, Mrs. Mary Fredrickson, Ms. Molly Good, Ms. Beth Hallett, Ms. Cara Keparcik, Mr. Walter MacDonald, Ms. Lisa McBirney, Mr. James Mullaney, Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey, Mr. Kevin Murphy, Mrs. Ellen Murray, Mrs. Maura Papile, Ms. Madeline Roy, Mr. Keith Segalla, Mr. Robert Shaw, Mr. Lawrence Taglieri, Ms. Judy Todd; Ms. Allison Cox, President, Quincy Education Association; Ms. Paula Reynolds and Ms. Fiona McGarry, Citywide Parents Council Co-Presidents; and Ms. Deborah Nabstedt, President of the Quincy Parent Advisory Council to Special Education.

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There was a moment of silence for Mr. Joseph Mahoney, father-in-law of School Committee member Anne Mahoney.

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Regular Meeting Minutes Approved 5/7/14

Ms. Isola made a motion, seconded by Mr. McCarthy, to approve the Regular Meeting minutes for May 7, 2014. On a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Agenda Out of Order

Ms. Isola made a motion, seconded by Mr. Bregoli, to take the meeting agenda out of order and move to the Superintendent’s Report. On a roll call vote, the have it.

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Superintendent’s Report

National Honor Society Recognitions

Quincy High School National Honor Society advisor Mollie Good and North Quincy High School National Honor Society advisor Kara Pekarcik introduced National Honor Society Officers from both Quincy High School and North Quincy High School to speak about the pillars of the National Honor Society: Scholarship, Character, Leadership, and Service.

Dr. DeCristofaro said that of the 91 seniors being recognized this evening, 60% have been Quincy Public Schools students from Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten through Grade 12; another 20% entered in elementary school, and 10% in middle school. He noted that their success is the product of hard work and the support of their parents, teachers, guidance, and deans. Ms. Isola congratulated all of the scholars and wished them the best.

NQHS National Honor Society Scholars: Nisreen Abo-Sido, Simon Belcher, Katherine Burke, Nicholas Burt, Katherine Chan, Jing Jung Chen, Sherry Chen, Wilson Chen, Winnie Ching, Celeste Dang, Ricky Diep, Ka Wo Fong, Yi Fung, Andy He, Perry Huang, Michelle Kung, Matthew Lau, Jennifer Liang, Stanley Lok, Emily Mai, Refiola Malushi, Stephan Maranian, Abigail Mayo, Emily Mottolo, Michelle Murphy, Simon Quach, Carolyn Schwartz, Jason Tan, Sarah Tran, Cynthia Vu, Michelle Zeng

QHS National Honor Society Scholars: Abigail Akoury, Colleen Andrews, Fatmah Berikaa, James Brennick, Shauna Canavan, Yu Ling Chen, Elio Daci, Xylena Desquitado, Kelly Dooling, Liam Fitzmaurice, Amanda Flores, Elizabeth Foley, Marlena Forrester, Stacey Gallagher, Shamus Hill, Jie Xian Huang, Angela Hyslip, McKayla Johnston, Madeline Kamb, Jorgji Kerthi, Madison Kirby, Matthew Koslowski, Elizabeth Le, Amanda Lee, Michelle Lee, Jianan Liu, Lindsey Lo, Dominique Lucier, Kayla McArdle, Leann McColgan, Aidan McMorrow, Hodan Musse, Trang Nguyen, Taylor Parry, Martha Pham, Michael Pugsley, Courtney Ryan, Emiri Sato, Lindsay Schrier, Steven Simons, Kenneth Sorenson, Phyliss St-Hubert, Iqrah Tauhid, Tayle Tervakoski, Kevin Truong, Kelsey Tucker, Bridget Wahlberg, Bethany Walker, Olivia Wallace, Allan Wong, Jin Yu Xie, Chu Jun Zheng, Yu Yao Zheng, Yuping Zheng, Diana Zhou, Jia Zhou, Linda Zhou

Mrs. Hubley said that she is proud to recognize these accomplished young men and women.

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Open Forum

Mr. John Segale, Mrs. Courtney Perdios, Ms. Alexis Veith, and Mr. David Jacobs all spoke against the possibility of a Grades 4-8 configuration at the new Sterling Middle School building. A petition with over 500 signatures was presented to the School Committee.

Ms. Paula Reynolds, Co-President of the Citywide Parent Council spoke in support of having more options for the study of Foreign Language in middle school.

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Superintendent's Report (resumed)

Dr. DeCristofaro then resumed the Superintendent's Report by reviewing some recent events, including National Public Works Week, where over 600 Grade 3 students toured the Department of Public Works facility, Grade 4 students participated in an essay contest, and Grade 5 students created banners. The winning banners for each school will be displayed along Hancock Street in Quincy Center.

The Quincy Public Schools Teacher Mentor program had their concluding meeting for the year. Over 50 new staff members were paired with mentors to assist with transition and first year issues. Retired QPS educators Linda Beck and Joe Mazzarella are part of the mentor team which is chaired by Principal Jim Hennessy and Senior Curriculum Coordinator Madeline Roy.

The John & Abigail Adams Orchestra performance was held on Monday evening. Over 75 young musicians play in the two orchestras under the direction of Michael DeMarco and Jane Aiello.

The Presidents Cup, held on Saturday, May 17, was once again sponsored by Bluefin Robotics. This competition for 80 middle school students from all five schools was staffed by over 30 volunteers (high school students; middle and high school teachers; Bluefin staff). Point Webster is the winner of this year's Presidents Cup.

The 2014 Summer Scene brochure is now available; the brochure is posted online at and was emailed to families via Aspen.

Home School Connections: Atherton Hough, Bernazzani, and Wollaston Elementary Schools Monthly Newsletters were shared with School Committee, along with an updated Spring Concert schedule.

Mr. McCarthy made a motion for Dr. DeCristofaro to represent Quincy Public Schools on the Board of the South Shore Educational Collaborative. Ms. Isola seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Old Business

Policy Update on Athletic Eligibility (9.8.5)

Mr. Bregoli read the revision of the Athletic Eligibility Policy (9.8.5) into the record:

To be eligible for high school sports, a student may not have more than one failing grade during the last marking period preceding the contest. To be eligible for fall sports, a student may not have more than one failing grade on the previous academic year final report card. All incoming grade 9 students are eligible for fall sports. The academic eligibility of all students shall be considered as official and determining only on the date when the report cards for that ranking period have been issued.

Mr. McCarthy made a motion to approve the revised Athletic Eligibility Policy as presented. The motion was seconded by Ms. Isola.

On the motion, Mr. DiBona reiterated that while he supports the revised Policy, he is still concerned about implementation timeline. Mr. DiBona is concerned that there will not be enough time for students to address their end of the year grades and eligibility for Fall sports could be affected. He would like to begin the Policy September 1, 2014 and have it take effect for winter sports.

On a roll call vote, the ayes have it 6-1. Mr. DiBona voted NO.

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New Business

Public Buildings/ Maintenance Department Update

Director of Public Buildings Gary Cunniff introduced Walter MacDonald, who reviewed the Accelerated Repair Program for Window Replacement for North Quincy High School, Merrymount, and Wollaston. The initial round of bidding was completed and the estimates were higher than the architect and Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) had prepared and submitted by $600,000. The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) will not reimburse for this overage, so the whole project must be re-bid. There will be a value engineering process to review the details and the schedule and the project will be sent out to bid. The lead time to manufacture windows is 14 to 16 weeks, so these windows will not be installed in Summer 2014. The original bids called for work to be performed during the school year after hours, adding to the complexity for the contractor. The OPM will assist us with preparing revised specifications and we have been notified that other municipalities are facing similar issues. MSBA is suggesting bidding the project in Fall 2014, order the windows, and store them for Summer 2015 installation.

Mr. Bregoli asked for clarification on the timeline and Mr. MacDonald said work could possibly begin during April vacation 2015, but definitely for summer 2015. There are no penalties from the MSBA for delaying the timeline. Mr. Bregoli asked about the next round of windows. Mr. MacDonald said that we do not know yet whether we will be awarded another round of windows, although the MSBA made recent visits to Parker and Lincoln Hancock.

Mayor Koch stated that the delay for these projects would not impact the other projects in the pipeline. Mayor Koch said that his concern was that we followed the MSBA procedure; he has suggested to the MSBA that their process should be altered to hold the financial approval from the City Council after contractor bids are reviewed. Mayor Koch cannot support the installation being done during the school year, the interruption to the education process is too great.

For Coddington Hall, substantial completion is on schedule for mid-June. Flooring, doors and hardware, millwork, lighting, finish plumbing and painting, tie-ins to mechanical systems are underway on all floors. Exterior caulking is being finished, enclosures for chillers and dumpsters built, signage is being developed, and exterior lighting and rough landscaping underway. In late June, the construction trailers will be removed. Underground utility installation on Coddington Street began today and should be completed by Friday, May 23. Bids for moving have been submitted; IT equipment has been ordered and await a dust-free environment for installation. Public Buildings is collaborating with Superintendent DeCristofaro and QPS staff to move the project ahead on schedule.

The development of the green space on the site of the former Quincy High School is underway, with anticipation of a bid package being available the 2nd week of June. Site preparation work will be done by city Parks employees, fill has been brought in. Mayor Koch noted that there have been several meetings about the project, with participants including former School Committee member Mrs. Lebo, Dr. DeCristofaro, and Principal Taglieri. There are Massachusetts Historic Commission requirements to memorialize the former Quincy High School building that will be integrated into the design. Mayor Koch is looking forward to the completed Coddington Street corridor.

Mr. McCarthy asked for the estimated completion date for the green space. Mr. MacDonald said the goal is for this to be completed by the start of school, with the lawn to be seeded for fall growth.

Mr. Cunniff said that at Quincy High School, the facade of the building has been finished and a retaining wall was completed. The metal and glass curtain wall system was installed and the only item remaining is trim at the roof edge. The site fencing will be re-purposed by the QHS metal shop. In addition, there was some incidental damage to QHS during the demolition of the old building and that has all been repaired. The re-commissioning process at QHS to improve the efficiency and comfort level of the building is underway. This year-long effort surfaced issues about sub-standard performance, including blocked ductwork and malfunctioning valves that were repaired at no cost. An outside engineering consultant reviewed the scope of the building and the digital control system already installed in the building. The consultant's final recommendation was that the installed program was not open and accessible and should be replaced. Installation of a new system began in January and moved into testing in March. Once the acceptance phase is completed in June, active commissioning will begin.

Also at Quincy High School, upgrades were completed to exterior and parking lot lighting. The timing of the lighting will be adjusted and longer-life bulbs were installed. Lingering issues include in-ground lighting still to be addressed and the magnetic holders for the fire doors. This will be addressed over the summer when the school is vacant as it ties to the fire alarm system. Mr. McCarthy asked about the new digital control system, the new system is being funded by the Honeywell settlement money. A Honeywell system that is being replaced, at a cost of around $35,000. Mr. McCarthy asked about the exterior light retrofitting and whether that would be extended to other schools. Mr. Cunniff said that Clifford Marshall, Point Webster, and Lincoln Hancock were also upgraded with LED lamps, timers/ dimmers, and motion sensors to assist with cost savings. This was funded through a grant, and it is a goal to continue to pursue as these longer-lasting lights will save on maintenance costs. Shelley Dein, Sustainable Energy manager, has been working to secure the funding for these projects.

At Central Middle School, we have made significant progress in closing out the contract. The final documentation for the MSBA is being prepared and a small punchlist will be addressed in the next few weeks. Final submission should occur in late June or July, and final payments will be made to the contractor with reductions for the value of the punchlist items still to be completed. Remaining items will be handled by Public Buildings through Maintenance and Contractual. Change orders were 2.6% of the project, well within the industry standards. This is a beautiful building, one of the better in the Commonwealth; a significant undertaking for the city and commitment to the students and staff of Central Middle School.

Mr. McCarthy asked if there were significant punchlist items. Mr. Cunniff said examples are a non-functioning projection screen in the auditorium, a fan motor in a science lab, and small damaged tiles in a locker room. Some items are not working satisfactorily, but are working somewhat.

Mr. Cunniff then spoke of the Solar City project potentially installing solar arrays on 21 city buildings, including all 18 school buildings. Solar City is in the process of evaluating/surveying building roof structures. This green initiative has the goal of reducing utility costs. An energy subcontractor is evaluating the structures of all roofs; work is anticipated to begin soon after school gets out in June. All of the costs for engineering, installation, and maintenance are borne by the contractor. The energy generated will be purchased by the city at a fixed rate that is 5% lower than current rates. Solar City receives tax credits and energy credits and depreciation on their installed equipment.

Several other green initiatives are underway, including installation of variable frequency drives on fan motors to decrease electric consumption. This is fully funded by National Grid and reduces electricity costs. Point Webster, Clifford Marshall, Lincoln Hancock, and North Quincy High School are all in process. Public Buildings is also looking at building control systems for Point Webster, Clifford Marshall, Lincoln Hancock, and North Quincy High School funded by the Honeywell settlement.

Mr. Kevin Murphy then reviewed Maintenance updates on School Improvement Plan issues; 90% of Maintenance items have been completed. Contractual issues such as parking lots and remaining painting will be scheduled for summer 2014. At NQHS, the public bidding process has been initiated to replace control system in the newer section of the building to address uneven distribution of heating and cooling. New thermostat devices will be installed in individual rooms in the older section of the building. Additional projects are to be addressed over the summer as defined by the Superintendent. Mr. Bregoli complimented Mr. Murphy for his responsiveness and prompt addressing of issues brought to his attention. Mr. McCarthy thanked Mr. Murphy, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Cunniff and asked for clarification on sprinkler system inspections and whether those are completed annually. Mr. Murphy said he would follow up on this question.

Superintendent DeCristofaro thanked all three presenters, they meet as part of the Plant/Maintenance Team every couple of weeks on facility issues, and are always responsive and address issues in a timely manner.

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Inspire Quincy

Dr. DeCristofaro then introduced an Inspire Quincy video, featuring Treasure Island at Lincoln Hancock, Squantum Elementary Multi-Cultural Fair, Poetry Month at Bernazzani, North Quincy High School Art & Photograpy Show, Skills USA chapter at QHS, Presidents Cup Robotics, National Public Works Week, Mentor Team, and the Abigail and John Adams Orchestra.

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Parks Department School Grounds Update

Mr. Cassani then presented a Parks Department School Grounds Update. Normal maintenance for the spring calls for each school to be mowed weekly; despite the rainy weather, the schedule is being maintained and will be followed for the rest of the growing season. Multiple crews will trim hedges on school properties in July, followed by preparation for the opening of school and weed whacking. The Parks Department will take over the management of the Central Middle School property in June. The 25th annual Cleaner Greener was held in early May and was a tremendous success because of school principal, staff, student, and parent participation. The school department’s enthusiasm is a major benefit to the Parks Department and the city.

The athletics season is coming to the end of regular schedule; the Parks Department enjoys a great working relationship with Athletic Directors. Veterans Stadium usage was scheduled this year to take the pressure off Cavanaugh Field to allow for grass to grow in preparation for the fall athletic season. Fields are being maintained across the city for high school and community sports. The MIAA is hosting a baseball tournament at Adams Field that will draw spectators and competitors from all over the state. Fall scheduling is underway and both athletic directors are diligent in addressing any issues. The biggest project underway is the refurbishment of O'Neill field behind Atlantic Middle School. The project’s result will be a varsity level soccer field with stands. This will assist in transitioning Teel Field into its refurbishment phase, where artificial turf will be installed and the end result will benefit athletes at all levels.

Mr. Cassani said that the Parks Department has received a Community Preservation fund grant of $200,000 for playgrounds on school grounds including new equipment to address safety compliance. New safety fiber was installed today at Parker and Montclair. Lincoln Hancock, Wollaston, and Parker will receive equipment upgrades. Marshall received direct grant funding for a Kindergarten playground; Atherton Hough’s playground equipment will be expanded to accommodate older children. The goal is for installation to be complete before school begins in Fall 2014.

Mr. DiBona asked for a timetable on the completion of Teel Field. Mayor Koch said the project is with the City Council Financial Committee and expected to move out of City Council by the end of June. Mrs. Mahoney asked about the source of funding for the Atlantic field work and it is a City Council appropriation. Mrs. Mahoney asked for additional communications to be sent to Atlantic parents. Mrs. Mahoney suggested bike racks be added to the project and a parent has already contacted the Parks Department. Mayor Koch said that there have been several meetings with the Atlantic Middle School staff who are very enthusiastic about the project.

Mr. McCarthy thanked Mr. Cassani for his leadership and the way the school buildings look this season. He asked for clarification on landscaping at Snug Harbor near the professional development center and the lawn has been seeded. Mr. McCarthy asked about establishing priorities between the two high schools for athletic field scheduling and Mr. Cassani said things have gone very smoothly. League administrators are very cooperative across the city and deferential to the school priorities when necessary.

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FY2015 Budget Overview

Dr. DeCristofaro and Mr. Mullaney outlined the two recent Budget and Finance Subcommittee meetings that have been held to review the draft FY2015 Budget. Dr. DeCristofaro thanked the Mayor for the city appropriation, the School Committee for their thoughtful communication of priorities, and the Superintendent's Leadership Team, Principals, and staff for their work in preparing the budget. All areas of the budget are reviewed and adjustments proposed to address shifting population and program needs. As always, students are at the center of the budget process, with Academic Support Teachers, Academic Programs, Academic Support, Non-Academic Support, Academic Expenses, and Non-Academic Expenses addressed in order of priority. Subsidized services (Food Services, Transportation, Athletics, Building Rentals) were reviewed as well.

The total Quincy Public Schools budget is $97,306,723, a $3.6 million increase over the FY2014 budget. There are two sources of funding: $94,106,723 from the City appropriation (3.23% increase) and Circuit Breaker funding of $3,200,000 (25% increase).

The appropriation allows Quincy Public Schools to meet all contractual obligations, percentage raises, step and level increases. After these are met, there is $1,675,500 additional funding to address class size and academic programs, including $985,000 of breakage courtesy of 27 retirements in FY2014.

For Academic Classroom Teachers, School Committee class size guidelines are the deciding factor. Elementary levels are looking at a decrease of two positions across the 11 schools due to population shifts. For middle school, there is a proposed expansion of the foreign language program for adding French language instruction to Grade 8 (2.5 positions). The other middle school restoration is Technical Education teachers (2.5). An additional ELA teacher is needed for Central Middle School (1.0), a half-time position at Quincy High School for Physics will become full time (0.5).

For Academic Programs, the suggestion is for small stipends to be available for Literacy, Library, Health, Physical Education, Music, and Art to compensate teachers providing professional development and assisting the curriculum coordinators. The increasing ELL population needs would be addressed by additional positions (2.0) and Literacy positions added so that each elementary school will have at least a fulltime Literacy teacher (1.5). An additional instrumental music teacher will be added (1.0), plus Special Education teachers to address increased needs and state requirements (2.0).

For Academic Support, the budget calls for an additional school psychologist (1.0), IT technicians staff (2.0), restores full-time Kindergarten aides to all classrooms (10.0), and increases Special Education aides (10.0). For non-Academic Support, the budget has an additional position for Custodial Services (1.0). For Academic Expenses, grant funding and publisher professional development will allow for a $13,000 reduction to the professional development, offset by an increase in funding for purchasing and repairing musical instruments and repairs for $7,500 and increased funding for testing. Special Education tuitions would be increased by $300,000, based on projections for student out-of-district placements. For nonAcademic Expenses, proposed increases for natural gas ($100,000), Special Education transportation ($275,000) would be offset by decreased funding for transportation purchases. For transportation purchases, the current 3-year lease purchase agreements are complete; we are looking at purchasing one large bus and three mini-buses over three years beginning with FY2015.

Under Subsidized Services, the self-funded Food Services department provides funding for the school meals program. The Federal Bureau of Nutrition sets guidelines for pricing and reimbursement that School Committee adopts as policy. This year, prices must increase by $.05 for elementary and middle school lunches to meet the new guidelines.

For School Building Rentals, rates are established by School Committee and the funds can be used for salaries, building upkeep, and utilities. Cash balances can be carried from year to year. The Superintendent’s Leadership Team is recommending no change to the rental rates.

For the Transportation Revolving Account, revenue consists of fees from students transported within two miles of school and bus rentals for field trips. Driver salaries and bus supplies and repairs are paid from this account. The Superintendent’s Leadership Team recommends retaining the current fee structure.

The Athletic Revolving Account revenue consists of user fees and gate receipts. The Superintendent’s Leadership Team is recommending no changes to Athletic User Fees. Athletic Participation demographics were broken out by individual seasons, with 1,051 student athletes participated in at least one sport. 270 students participated in two sports and 105 students participated in three sports.

In summary, the additional funding is allocated 10% for Academic Classroom Teachers, 22% for Academic Programs, 29% for Academic Support, 2% for NonAcademic Support, 19% for Academic Expenses, 18% Non-Academic Expenses.

Mrs. Mahoney is happy to see increases for musical instruments and repairs; acquisition is a new line item and repairs were increased by 100%. For furniture, asked for report on the last 10 years, was money actually spent on furniture or was it allocated for something else. She also noted increased funding for testing and data collection, this is a good use of funds to address issues raised in the Teaching and Learning Subcommittee.

Mrs. Mahoney requested a debriefing on the PARCC field testing process and asked if we captured information about potential budgetary effects going forward, especially as it refers to technology performance and test administration.

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Gift: Respiratory Supplies

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the gift of respiratory care supplies valued at $1,900.00 donated by the Alliance for Respiratory Care. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Overnight Travel

Mayor Koch made a motion to approve the Overnight Travel of North Quincy High School AFJROTC to Cannon Mountain, Franconia Notch, New Hampshire on June 24- 26, 2014. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Out of State Travel

Mr. McCarthy made a motion to approve the Out of State Travel of F.W. Parker Elementary School Grade 5 students to Canobie Lake Park, Windham, New Hampshire on June 11, 2014. Mr. Bregoli seconded to the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Additional Business

Mrs. Mahoney thanked Dr. DeCristofaro for the information about Principal and Assistant Principal tenure and requested additional information about professional experience prior to administrative appointments.

Mrs. Mahoney asked for an update on the Central Middle School principal position. Deputy Superintendent Kevin Mulvey said the posting will be published on May 23, a three-week posting internally and externally on SchoolSpring. The interview process will commence immediately after the closing date. Mrs. Mahoney asked when Mrs. Fay-Beers gave her notice. Deputy Superintendent Mulvey said he could not confirm the exact date, but Mrs. Fay-Beers is contracted to remain as Central Middle School Principal until June 30.

Mrs. Mahoney said the parents who spoke at Open Forum represent the petition of 500 names. A Community Meeting will be hosted by City Councilors Croall and Palmucci on May 29 at Quincy High School. Mrs. Mahoney said it is unfortunate and shameful that School Committee did not bring the parents into the process of discussing grade configurations and suggested approaching the MSBA to delay finalizing the grade level configuration. The public is still not aware of this issue and parents will move from the neighborhood once they become aware. The concerned parents want to send the petition to the MSBA; some consideration should be given to parents collecting that many signatures in two weeks.

Mr. Bregoli moved the new Student Discipline regulations (Chapter 222 of the Acts of 2012) into Policy Subcommittee for review at the June 10 Policy Subcommittee meeting.

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Special Education Subcommittee

Mrs. Hubley noted that full Subcommittee meeting minutes are posted online on the School Committee page at

Mrs. Mahoney reviewed the Special Education Subcommittee meeting held on May 15, 2014. Ms. Todd presented the 2012 Graduate Study conducted by the Special Education department at the request of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 69% of former Resource Room (81% of graduates) or Substantially Separate Classroom students (19% of graduates went on to continue their education at 2- or 4-year colleges or certificate programs; 29% went on to fulltime employment or joined the military.

Ms. Todd then updated on progress towards the Special Education Program Improvement Plan goals. For the goal of increasing middle school Math scores, all benchmarks have been achieved, and the success of goal will be known in the fall when the MCAS scores are available. For the Resource Room goal for Grade 3 students, 9 of 11 schools have already reached the word gain goal and most have exceeded the goal by far. The third goal is to create a presentation to be shared with General Education teachers at the opening meeting at each school; this presentation will be finalized over the summer.

Mrs. White asked for an update on the issue of sharing student accomodation information with substitute teachers and Ms. Todd said this will be handled through Aspen Special Education module beginning in Fall 2014.

New QPAC President Ms. Nabstedt presented the QPAC Update; at last week's board meeting, a new slate of officers was elected: Ms. Beck is Vice-President, Ms. Hurld is Treasurer, and Ms. Campbell is Outreach Coordinator. Recording Secretary and Public Relations are open positions. For the 2014-15 school year, QPAC meetings will be held on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm (September 16; October 7; November 4; and December 2, 2014; January 6; February 3; March 3; April 7; and May 5, 2015).

QPAC’s Goals for 2014-15 are to continue to improve outreach and to be a resource for Special Education teachers. QPAC would like to be better connected with the PTOs and collaborate on issues across the city and will work collaboratively with Citywide PTO.

Mrs. Mahoney made a motion to approve the minutes of the Special Education Subcommittee Meeting for May 15, 2014 as amended. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Budget and Finance Subcommittee

Mrs. Hubley waived reviewing the Budget and Finance Subcommittee meetings held on May 15, 2014 and May 20, 2014 as these meetings were discussed under New Business.

Ms. Isola made a motion to approve the minutes of the Budget and Finance Subcommittee Meeting for May 15, 2014. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

Mr. Bregoli made a motion to approve the minutes of the Budget and Finance Subcommittee Meeting for May 20, 2014 as amended. Mr. McCarthy seconded the motion and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.

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Mayor Koch made a motion to adjourn for the evening at 9:55 p.m. The motion was seconded by Mr. McCarthy and on a voice vote, the ayes have it.