This hour-long Parent Academy, held on February 28, 2023, provides an overview of Quincy’s Early College High School Pathway.
Quincy’s ECHS Pathway Program is a cohort-based
program that will provide students with support in
and outside of the classroom that will better position
them for their transition to college.
This program provides the opportunity to earn college
credits while still in high school (at no cost to the student),
while receiving robust academic and non-academic support
during their ECHS Pathway experience.
This Parent Academy is geared toward Grade 9 Parents and
Students so that they may:
Learn the purpose of Quincy’s ECHS Pathway.
Understand the benefits of ECHS Pathway.
Learn more about the ECHS Pathway
guiding principles.
Gain a better understanding of the supports
that are available to ECHS students.
Learn more about the ECHS Pathway
Parent Council
Learn about the ECHS Pathway Summer Institute
This ECHS Pathway Parent Academy is a collaboration between Quincy Public Schools and Quincy College.