Quincy Public Schools
Notice of Public Meeting:
Student Opportunity Act
Monday, March 4, 2024 at 6:00 pm
Via Zoom
Meeting ID: 842 3041 2256
Passcode: 018211
Consistent with the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 69, Section 1S, Quincy Public
Schools will hold a Public Meeting on the Student Opportunity Act.
The Student Opportunity Act is “for the purpose of addressing persistent disparities in achievement
among student subgroups, improving educational opportunities for all students, sharing best practices for improving
classroom learning and supporting efficiencies within and across school districts.”
The meeting will consist of a presentation of current draft plans addressing the
requirements outlined in the Student Opportunity Act and will be followed by a
Q&A. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard – given that they
are a resident of the City of Quincy, a parent of a student who attends the Quincy
Public Schools, or an employee of the Quincy Public Schools.
Those unable to attend are encouraged to submit questions or comments by email to
School Committee Clerk Laura Owens at [email protected].
Interpretation will be available in Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.